(no subject)

Jul 25, 2005 15:42

girl or boy?: boy
do you shop at abercrombie and fitch?: no
have you ever heard of hollister?: yes
does the word starbucks tickle your fancy?: no
do you use moisterizer on your face at night?: no
have you seen the ocean?: its about a mile away
if so, where and when?: i live on the coast of the us. in alaska. how often do you think i see it?
do you even like coffee?: no
If you do, do the baristas at your local starbucks know you by name?: we dont have starbucks, do we?
have you ever seen the movie, thirteen?: no
are you a lazy ass or do you work?: both
do you like to smoke the occasional cigarette?: no
do you like to take the occasional shot of tequila?: no
do you help yourself to more than one beer at a party?: i dont drink and i dont go to parties
have you ever gotten so drunk you can't remember anything?: no
did you have your first kiss while you were drunk at a party?: no
ever been to a frat party?: no
ever been to san diego?: yes
ever been to a frat party in san diego?: no
do you wear sunglasses?: no
do you wear sunglasses inside?: no
do you like to make out?: i guess. the "gentle" kind though, not the big intense slobbery dry humping kind.
do you wish on stars?: no

getting to know you
whats your middle name?: aaron
where do you live?: juneau alaska
do you like it there?: yes
what grade are you in?: im going to be in 11th
do you have a job?: no
do you have a lot of friends?: no, i have a few good friends and a few "normal" friends
how many siblings?: 1
who do you live with?: my dad, and my brother when hes here since he still switches back and forth between houses every week

whats your favorite era?: i dont know. this one? but i like some of the styles from the early 80s (stuff neil young might have worn), 60s in london and stuff, yeah.
who is your favorite 90s band?: that came out then? i dont think i have one. the two full bands i like are from the 60s (started then)
whos your favorite band/singer in general?: neil young as always
name some of your favorite songs: neil young
do you get sick a lot?: no
whats your favorite type of candy?: original startbursts, the haribo products, and mambas in no order
how many cavities do you have?: i dont know, i have a few fillings though from when i was little. probably 3 or something.
have you ever cursed out your mom/dad?: i guess ive sort of done that to my mom, but not to my dad
have you ever cried in public?: i think so
do you cry a lot?: no, but i used to
have you had the chickenpox?: yes
have you had pneumonia?: i dont know
have you ever been to a wedding?: yes
if yes were you a flowergirl/ringbearer/bridesmaid etc.?: no
have you ever been to a funeral?: yes, 3.
if yes did you really know the person that died?: not really. it was my grandma, then my grandpa, then my aunt. on my moms side. yeah they were family obviously, but i still didnt really know them know them.
do you like parades?: not really
have you ever known somebody that died & not cared?: no
about how many hours a day do you spend online?: too many
do you have a social life?: i guess?
rate school on a scale of 1-10.: i dont know
do you like ringpops? pushpops? gummi worms?: gummi wormsss
do you think punkrock is dying/dead?: i dont care
if yes, did it die about twenty years ago?: i dont care
do you like nuts? (that's peanuts, sick kids): i guess
do you change your profile on AIM at least once a day?: i havent been on aim for a long time.
how many buddies are on your buddylist?: it looks like 104, on msn
do you have a diary?: no
do you like writing or dread it?: ..
what's your dream car?: i dont really have one, but i like the old bmws and saabs, black. OOH and i have to get those floater rims or whatever theyre called.. the ones that dont spin at all so it looks like your car floats. theres an suv in town that has them.
do you know a lot about cars?: not at all.
whats your expertise/obsession?: well, im not an expert in actually skateboarding, like the act of actually doing it, but in the knowledge of it id say im pretty high up in the ranks.
do you think brad pitt is THAT hot?: i think that hot is a stupid word, and no
is urban outfitters a sellout?: i dont know, i dont know anything about it
coke, pepsi, or neither?: both
do you like mountain dew?: no
what are your thoughts on gay marriage?: everyone should be able to get married if they want to.
what are your thoughts on abortion?: everyone should be able to do what they want with their body.
have you ever been stalked?: no
have you ever seduced somebody?: i dont know
if at first you dont succeed, do you brush yourself off and try again?: it depends. if i totally eat shit skating, i might take a break and do it in a little, or i might just not do it again. if i only just fall a little i do it again. but "fall a little" might look like im dying to "normal people."
do you like peanut m&ms or regular m&ms better?: i dont know, both.
do you know why the hell eminem named himself after a candy?: did he?
have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe?: no
if yes, was it because you really liked them or because there was mistletoe?: .
are you superstitious?: no
do you pick up pennies if theyre heads up?: no
do you write people handwritten letters or emails?: email
do you prefer to recieve handwritten letters or emails?: email
are you a fan of modern art?: i dont know.. ?
are you a fan of art at all?: i dont know, i like to "do" art, but im not into really like.. going to art galleries or something.
do you actually do your homework?: pretty much
do you copy homework off of other people when you dont do it?: i have, but not in general
do you like answering long surveys such as this?: i guess sometimes
do u use prepositions at the ends of sentences even tho ur not suposed to?: i think that rule is stupid because everyone does it and it makes sense. no one even thinks "hey, you just ended with a preposition!"
do you want/have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: yes, i have a girlfriend
if no, why not?: .
do you like country music?: not in general. if i like it, that means its real country. not that horribly shitty country that everyone thinks of that ALL sounds the same
what about classical?: not really
opera?: no
do you love or despise opera?: neither, but im definitely not a fan at all
do you laugh at martha stewart?: no
about how many hours of TV do you watch a day?: its basically always on, but im only half watching it because im usually on the computer.
do you think TV is a drug?: no
is the pen sharper than the knife?: ?
do you eat the crust of pizza?: sometimes
are you a vegitarian/vegan? why/why not? : no. im all for the whole animal rights thing or whatever, but im not going to stop eating meat. im not even a big meater anyway, like one of those dudes whos like "YEEAH STEAK!" besides, most of the meat i eat is from nature, from my dad fishing or hunting. not horribly mistreated farms and crap.
do you believe in god?: no
what do you think about osama bin laden?: hes a person who america thinks was behind the whole terrorist thing.. right? we act like it was the worst thing ever, but stuff like that happens every day in other parts of the world. which i think is really stupid.
what do you think about the FBI and the CIA?: i dont know
are you lefthanded, righthanded or ambidextrous?: right
do you secretly want to be the opposite sex?: no, but i think boys are generally stupid and sometimes im ashamed to be one.
do you think girls or boys have it easier?: boys have it easier, end of story.
do you think girls or boys work harder?: i dont know
are you a pessimist?: no
are you a worrywart?: not really
do you scare easily?: not really, but sometimes
whats your favorite movie, and why?: forrest gump. the story is good, the acting is good, tom hanks is good, the music is good, etc etc etc.
whats your LEAST favorite old saying that you hate?: i dont hate anything
do you have a lot of posters or photos on your bedroom walls?: yes
what color are your walls?: white
do you have a rug? sort of. its small.. i put it on my wood thing in my room. the raised thing. because its softer than wood.
do you think there is really such things as white lies?: i guess
if yes, do you tell them a lot?: no
do you think honesty is important even when the truth hurts?: yes
are you a dork?: yes
do you think being a dork is really a bad thing?: no
do you have a lucky number and if so what is it?: no
do you think you will end up in a nursing home when you are older?: i dont want to
if no is it because you'll be in a mental institution instead?: no
do you like rap?: not in general
is old school rap better than new school rap?: .
is old school punk better than new school punk?: .
do you like garage rock?: .
do you like rock at all? and if so whats your favorite genre?: i guess, but i dont choose music by genres.
whats your favorite thing to do on weekends?: sit at home and skateboard
do you have (a) best friend(s)?: not really, just good friends
why are they your best friend(s)?: because
have you ever been on a roadtrip?: not really
how early do you wake up on school days/weekends?: 5 on school days, whenever on weekends.
do you think all boys are pervs?: "most of them are" - lauren
do you think it's okay to use gay as an insult?: i think its stupid and it shouldnt be used, but its not going to stop.
how about 'faggot'?: thats worse, because its a derogitory term for gay people, so its worse than just using gay as an insult.
do you have high or low self esteem?: i dont know, but its not low
do you think therapists actually help ppl or are just in it for the money?: it depends on the person. to me, it doesnt do anything besides provide someone to make fun of to my friends
do you think vandalism is fun?: no
should weed be legal?: i dont know
would you move to holland just because of the change in laws?: no
is the government controlling our minds through tv and advertising?: i dont know
are you patriotic?: no
is george bush a good president?: id say no
why is america so much more violent than canada: because america thinks its the best ever.
why is america so damn fat?: "cause we love our mcdonalds!" - lauren again
do you like the tv show 'friends'?: yes
what about 'will and grace'?: no
do you like any tv at all? if yes whats your favorite show?: tbs and comedy central
are you lonely?: sometimes
if yes, do you beat your dick like it owes you money? (chapelles show): haha no.
are you a prude?: no
remember that song 'peaches and cream'?: i dont think so
do you like N.E.R.D?: ?
speaking of nerd, are you one?: not really
do you like slick rick?: ?
Speaking of slick, are you?: no
do you eat cough drops just because they taste good?: no
have you ever done any narcotics?: no
if yes, was it fun?: .
have you ever done heroin?: no
are you a heroine?: no
have you ever done coke or crack?: no
weed? speed? n2o? anything?: no
do you drink?: no
if yes have you ever been so drunk you threw up everywhere?: no

do you like the following songs..
candy shop?: no
through the wire?: ?
baby got back?: no
welcome to my life?: ?
dream a little dream?: ?
come clean?: ?
roof is on fire?: no
californacation?: i guess, yes
under the bridge?: yes.. thats the one thats like.. "the city i liiive in, the city of annnnngels..." right?
ohio is for lovers?: ?
get back?: ?
yankee doodle?: no

more random..
have you ever secretly wanted a pet elephant?: no
do you have a crush?: that word is stupid, but yes
if you could make your room any theme at all, what would it be?: the one it is now, even though it doesnt have a theme
is graffiti art or vandalism?: both
do you prefer to be alone or surrounded by people?: sometimes i want to be alone, and sometimes i want to be with a few people, but lately ive just been wanting to be with one person.
are you shy?: sometimes, but it depends on who im meeting
do you get paranoid a lot?: not really
whats your favorite scent in the world?: i dont know, i think the last time i answered this is was "freshly showered girls." not in a sexual way, even though it sounds like that.
what do you think of satan worshipers?: do what you want
what do you think of marilyn manson?: same thing
does kelly osbourne have talent?: i dont know
what about ozzy?: more than her
would you/have you ever gone to ozzfest?: no
would you/have you ever gone to warped tour?: no
have you ever eaten a hotdog with chocolate syrup instead of ketchup?: no
have you ever dressed up as the opposite sex for a day?: no
have you ever pet a porcupine?: no, but zach peed on one and it probably got rejected from its family because it smelled different
can you say she sells sea shells by the sea shore 10 times fast?: i dont know
do you wear skirts/dresses/high heels?: no
do you prefer skirts or pants?: pants
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: i dont know
do you secretly wish you were born in the 70s?: no
do you have a stash of playboy magazines that you hide from your parents?: no
have you ever dressed up like Elvis and sang to yourself in the mirror?: no
have you ever put a pillow in your shirt n pretended that u were pregnant?: yes
do you/would you dress up your dog?: i have. it was one of the funniest things ive ever seen.
are you afraid of clowns?: no, but i still think theyre stupid.
when’s the last time you showered?: this morning
do you shave?: not my face. and theres nothing i completely shave.
do you like writing about yourself?: i dont know?
do you talk about yourself a lot?: no
do you like salads?: yes
do you eat out a lot?: no
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