(no subject)

Jul 23, 2005 23:50

Wallet - dark brown synthetic thing. its trifold with velcro.. money place, pockets, id thing, zipper for change and stuff...

Hairbrush - navy blue

Toothbrush - black and white

Jewelry worn daily - none

Pillow cover - spongebob

Sunglasses - none

Favorite shirt - my foundation star & moon one, and my grey chorus one.

CD in stereo right now - i dont know

Piercings - none

What are you wearing now- my clothes

Wishing - that kathleen was here

Wanting - kathleen to be here

What will you be doing for the remainder of the day - being on here, going to bed soon

Something you're looking forward to in the coming month - getting no skools. and a new board. kathleen.

The last thing you ate - an icecream bar i think

Do you like candles - i dont know

Do you like incense - not really

Do you like the taste of blood - not really

Do you believe in love - yes

Do you believe in soul mates - no

Do you believe in love at first sight - no

Do you believe in Heaven - no

Do you believe in God - no

If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - a combo pack. a black lab, chocolate lab, and yellow lab. and one of the really light yellow labs that i call white labs. puppies.

What is the longest you've ever stayed up - i think it was close to 48 hours, maybe more.

Can you eat with chopsticks - yes, i can put them on the side and eat with them, just not using them

What's your favorite coin - quarters or dollars because theyre worth most.

What are some of your favorite candies - starburst, mamba, and all the haribo things

What's something that you wish people would understand about you - i dont know, i dont do that "people dont understand me : (" thing

What's something you wish you could understand better - i dont know

Who is someone that you really wish was still around - i dont know

Where is your favorite place to shop - sequence and online

Have any tattoos or piercings - no

What is your favorite thing to wear - my reynolds jeans and rowley classics

How much is the most you've spent on a single item of clothing - probably close to 150 or something. snowboarding stuff. normal clothse wise, probably 70. 100 if you count shoes. but cheap shoes are better.

Who is the least fashionable person you know - this is stupid

Do you match your belt with your hair color - no. id have to have dark green, black, hot green, and hot pink hair

How many pairs of shoes do you own - i only have one at a time, but i keep my old ones, so i probably have like 14 or 15 or something. and ive sold a few, given away a few, thrown away a few, and lost a few.

What is the worst trend you see today - i dont know. its not that theyre bad, just some of them are like.. what the hell. so lets see.. i cant really think of anything.

s p e c i f i c...

What are you listening to right now - nothing

Who was the last person that you called - um......... my mom?

Where do you want to get married - i dont know if im going to get married

How many buddies are online right now - 11

What would you change about yourself - nothing. thats not saying im perfect obviously, i just dont want to do that instant change thing.

Do you send out holiday cards each year - no

have you ever...

Made yourself cry to get out of trouble - no

Cried when someone died - no

Been rejected - i dont think so

Rejected someone - no

Been used - no

c u r r e n t

Hair - normal hair, only sort of messy because i didnt shower but you can barely tell.

Make-up - nono

Annoyance - nothing

Smell - nothing

Interest - a lot of things

Hate - i dont hate anything

Need - i dont know

Plans for tomorrow - none really, but im most likely going skating. i dont plan.

Mind frame - bored, tired, lonely

Hurt - nothing really
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