September Stack Highlights/Lowlights

Oct 07, 2010 23:26

Since I've started ranting weekly about specific comic book issues this monthly wrap-up has become more commentary than outright reviews about the issues. Less spoilery.

Week of September 1:
Best - (DC COMICS) Supeman: The Last Family of Krypton #2 - This book has been fun and because it is an elseworlds title I'm hoping that the finale will not result in the status quo of that universe being similar to that in the current DCU. Sometimes writers change the path/journey up and make the end result the same which isn't fresh or interesting. Now if they'd only stick that elseworlds tag on the Batman Beyond book.
Worst - (DARK HORSE) Star Wars: The Old Republic #3 - This book represents the lesser side of Star Wars writing. While the Fett mini-series has been brilliant, I tried this series to get a taste but it's so scrambled all over the place that it's hard to get a solid take on what the point of the book is and who the characters are and why they are important. All basic points needed for a story to work.

Week of September 9:
Best - (DC COMICS) Batman #703 - I feel like this might be my golden age of Batman books and i should enjoy it while it lasts. While there have been small holes where the writers will treat Dick as ineffective and mistake prone in his role as Batman, the rest of the time I've enjoyed seeing my favorite character get to shine in the big bat signal and actually seeing progression in the legacy stance of DC that we always see teases (like Donna filling in for Diana during OYL) and while eventually I'm sure some person at DC will decide Morrison has had his fun and have Dick relegated back to being Nightwing. Till then, I will smile.
Worst - (MARVEL) X-Men #3 - Because the 90's X-Men animated series was right in my youth wheelhouse one of my favorite X-Men characters has been Jubilee and it always made me sad how poorly used she was in the books and then they went and took away her powers during House of M. Then, when she popped up in the New Warriors relaunch I loved it! But then once they revealed who she was they kept her character unmasked which ruined the new identity she had and quickly after that the book fell off and was cancelled. Now she's being turned into a vampire and I only hope this results in her powers returning and not being a permanent vamp.

Week of September 15:
Best - (DC COMICS) Tiny Titans #32 - I love this comic book series. It's the perfect blend of simple silly stories for kids with subtle nods to the larger DC Universe for older fans. The one thing I dislike about the kids line at DC is that the series seem to only run for a certain period of time before they come to an end and are replaced by something new. This is the first title i would think would get some support to be a continuing ongoing and I'd love to see it become something like Uncle Scrooge comics or other classic Disney comics that are in the multiple hundreds in terms of issue numbers.
Worst - (DC COMICS) Birds of Prey #5 - if there's a book that should be pretty, it should be this one. Sadly Nicola Scott has been off doing Wonder Woman, Secret Six and now moving to Teen Titans. My dream artists are probably too high profile to take on this title and at least one of them isn't really a regular monthly artist. This book has slowly turned me against Gail Simone. For the longest time I couldn't understand why some people just couldn't stand her, but now having read her nearly consistent run on this book for 60 or so issues, i have to admit that there has not been an outstanding story that I've loved and it's only been because of the characters involved with the book that I continue to read it. Sadly with this being the one book I can get consistent panel presence of Black Canary, Huntress, Barbara Gordon and especially Lady Blackhawk I don't see myself dropping it despite how much I dislike the story and art.

Week of September 22:
Best - (DC COMICS) Supergirl #56 - I've supported the Supergirl book since it relaunched and was even a fan of some of the less liked periods of the book while not liking some of the current stories that have been widely liked by others. This issue got me back to liking the book. More of this and less about the mistakes Kara makes and how she is not Superman. Those do not make interesting stories and she and Dick Grayson tend to fall victim to that because of the legacy they are a part of and for some reason they can't become as good as those before them.
Worst - (DC COMICS) Flash #5 - I think there is some irony here that a comic book starring "The Fastest Man Alive" feels like the slowest paced storytelling in the industry. That is my only problem with this book. If it could move past this opening story of Barry being responsible of the murder of a future rogue and have him start digging into cold cases CSI style while battling Rogues on the side and spending time with Iris I would love this book.

Week of September 29:
Best - (DC COMICS) Gotham City Sirens #16 - A book I've wanted to like since its inception. Now that Dini is off the book, it was in limbo for a few issues there but i have to say I have high hopes for the new ongoing writer after this issue. Actually utilizing the fact that the book is part of the DC Universe with a plethora of female characters that have crossed paths with the Sirens before, it was brilliant to see the iciness between Poison ivy and Zatanna or the surprise of Talia looking to come to the aid of Selena.
Worst - (MARVEL) Valkyrie #1 - This was such a boring book that i don't think there was a need for. To all casual Marvel fans (of which i am one of) didn't we all think Valkyrie was already just part of the Thor/Norse world? Apparently she wasn't and it wasn't until she died that she could be reborn as her true self.

gotham city sirens, dark horse, marvel, batman, reviews, star wars, x-men, valkyrie, comic books, tiny titans, flash, stack, supergirl, dc comics, superman

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