just kind of Over It

May 04, 2011 17:01

Not over being pregnant, luckily.  But everything else?  Yeah, I'm not feeling it.

Maybe it's pregnancy hormones and mood swings and all the other fun things that come along with packing on 20 pounds and no longer being able to see my feet.   Maybe I'm just due for a down spell.  I don't know.  All I know is I'm dragging and I'm not really sure what to do.  Work?  I'm useless.  Writing?  Meh.  Cleaning the house?  Hah!  That's a good one.  I had a few good weeks of energy, but now I'm back to being as tired as I was in the first trimester.  Must be practice for having a newborn!

I'm 26 weeks today.  Last week of the second trimester.  In about three months, I'm going to have a baby.

(And yes, before you ask, I *am* scared shitless.  But that is another entry or twelve.)

Caleb (did I mention that's little guy's name?  I can't remember.) himself is doing fine.  Growing right on schedule, kicking and wiggling and flipping and probably kayaking based on how it feels sometimes.  Coolest feeling in the world.  Even if he is using a rib spreader on me on a daily basis.

In TV land, we've been loving the last few episodes of NCIS this season.  Even when they seem a bit off - Gibbs, I'm looking at you - they've sparked some good conversation on character motivations and where exactly all of this is heading.  I am SO psyched to watch "Baltimore" tonight.  I've been staying as far away from comments as possible, so I'm hoping I'm not up for disappointment.  Some of what MW has said lately about Tony, especially in the most recent TV Guide articles (cover story last week as well as this one), has been really encouraging.  I'm also secretly hoping that it will inspire me enough to get me writing again.

And then there's always that awesome, if old news...SB is no longer showrunner!!  Can I get an A-MEN?  ;-)

meh, ncis, preggo

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