The one-year mark in the don't-work-no-more phase of my career has come and gone, and I find that I want some structure back in my life. I feel ready to emerge from my cave a little and reconnect, too.
So maybe I can do a post a day for a month.
Boy, am I rusty. Whew. Let's see... [self-censor kicks into high gear: "No, that's unoriginal. No, that would be whiny. No, that sounds like a commercial..."]
Unoriginal: Graydie says "Must you?" while trying to continue her 20-hour nap on the abandoned chair with the heating pad inside it, on my porch.
Whiny: Lacking the commute to work that used to provide me with an hour's good exercise a day (and having all this free time to practice my hobby of eating), I've regained a portion of the weight I lost. I'm having a hell of a time finding a new, life-relevant way of losing it again. I might not care at all, except that I don't want to buy a bunch of new clothes. Because of said weight gain, my retirement wardrobe has consisted of two pairs of black jeans, one pair of Dansko shoes, and ten hoodies, and I miss dressing a little nicer.
Commercial: I've been watching and loving Last Tango in Halifax. If you don't know it, it's a British family comedy-drama written and produced by women, and centered very much on women characters. The scripts are exquisite and the acting positively sublime, and although I generally shy away from realistic family dramas, I'm loving this one.
The first two series are streaming on Netflix, and the third is just finishing up on UK television next week and might pop up in some of the usual places. Highly recommended.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth, where there are