(no subject)

Jul 29, 2004 13:28

I wonder how Ihs'll look in those. ;D

Sorry we kinda forgot about the LJ thing, but we've been waaaaay busy. I've been working a lot at ZCII but only 'cause Ihs has been going back and forth to Mexico (thanks to Kyn) for some meetings and other shit. When he's not in Mexico or here, he's at Valdemar making sure Goten's behaving (not as much as he used to though).

Reejah went back home a while back, but she already wants to come back here. >< She wanted to ask Robert about the babies again...and again...and again.... She's like the damned Energizer bunny like that.

I've been keeping up with the politics thing lately (Dad reminded me; he was pissed that I'd just picked a familiar name without 'knowing the issues' four years ago). Ihs is lucky he doesn't have to worry about elections.

::door closes:: Ohhhhh look......Ihs came back! '^_^'~>
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