(no subject)

Jul 14, 2004 19:55

::looks over to the couch where Ihsan is reading to Reejah:: They look so cute together! :D

Things have been...interesting lately. Mom and Dad dropped Reej off Monday night (I think it was Monday night; days are blurring together a bit) for a couple of weeks while they're on another cruise. And, they told me and Ihs not to make plans for around Christmas.


I've had the joy of interviewing people from Uncle's ZCII for rehires all by myself. Some of them have been really nice, and I'm looking forward to working with them. Others.....let's just say I don't want employees that think they're better than the CEO of the company, i.e. me. One bitch woman was nearly three hours late for her interview and still expected to be rehired because she was Uncle's personal secretary for 15 years.
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