Not mine...Bryan's. It was an incredible experience and well worth sharing here. Things got rolling a few weeks earlier deciding to have a geek friends gathering for gaming and everything just sort of grew up around that.
Thursday happened to be a friend of ours hosting a new hypnosis gathering where she lives, about an hour and a half away. Not erotic or kink, just exploration. After being cajoled to take the girls and their helper to get ice cream as we picked up the wife at work, then insisting on taking a tour of the office, we ended up being there at around 8 instead of 7. Bryan said I should have insisted we not do the tour in his interest of being on time. I said I would be more firm with that in the future and am continuing to learn to balance between his interest of making his wife happy and him.
We arrived as the last there and had missed introductions but it was a small group, only 9 of us total. Other than Lynn and myself there was only one other woman and I was the youngest in the group by a good decade. It was obvious things had been a bit floundering- it seemed everyone had some exposure and experience but no one really practiced this deeply. With Bryan there, he started as a lightning rod for questions and discussion points. He regularly tried to get Lynn or someone else to take the floor and not monopolize, but truth be told he simply was the most experienced and confident there and had a lot of good stuff to say.
He ended up putting two newbies under and showed a variety of basic techniques. This was all very exciting for me as I watched across the room. I knew he'd brought a few of his props so I brought up the idea of using them. I had not thought but should have that he brought the clicker- the first thing he trained me with to orgasm. He popped it out and immediately I could tell he was avoiding trying to use it. He tried to gloss over it, but unsurprisingly, they were very interested in how it worked. He went into some details and said he tried to nudge me to remove myself from the area, but I didn't get that at all. I was completely excited and ready. Then someone asked how it sounded and he tried to describe it rather than click it and I was having a tough time not bursting out laughing as he kept it totally cool. But they kept asking so he finally did a click and I don't know what he said for the next two minutes as I exploded in a deep pulsing orgasm instantly- and silently. Luckily other than him and Lynn, I wasn't in anyone's direct line of sight so he kept them engaged as I flushed and rocked and TRIED to be as discreet as possible.
This only fanned the flames though and I continued to feel on edge and giddy as we wrapped up and planned for our next meeting. Then, Lynn took us to a pub around the corner to hang out together. Lynn initially overwhelmed me but over time I have gotten to love her energy and excitement. She leads a very fun life and always makes people comfortable around her. We just talked about kink and hypnosis and how life is going and what we want to do professionally and with the new group. I continued to feel sexy and turned on and hopeful Bryan would either do hypnosis on myself or Lynn. While there was some teasing and mild triggering, it never really went further.
We bade our goodbyes and I was kinda happy since it wasn't even midnight yet and I had thought we'd be out much later. But then Bryan put it together and realized we were close to his old strip club haunt and we both figured it was the best time to go. I was also feeling loose and much more comfortable asking for stimulation than usual and got a few nice pushes. We get to the club and it's a bit smaller and relaxed than I'm used to. For a Thursday night it seemed crowded, almost every seat was taken and there were people standing and playing pool. There were two pool tables along the side, lengthwise. Then a long rectangular bar with two small stages and poles inside. The girls would come down a spiral staircase, dance on one stage, dance on the next stage, work the inside of the bar for dollars, then work the outside of the bar for dances. It seemed they weren't really circulating as much as I would have thought and while they were obviously hot and sexy, none of them really worked me into a frenzy. Bryan got me a lap dance which was fun, but it was all private there so he couldn't watch. I tested if my being with him was a detractor and less than ten minutes after moving to a back seat, he had a sexy woman paying attention to him. They had quite a few lap dances in which he hypnotized her and had a great time. It was fun watching a few girls come up to him and remember him as the guy who does hypnosis also.
But I was a bit tired, the place was smoky and again, the girls really not all that exciting or full of energy. So the last hour or so I just hung back and let Bryan enjoy, knowing I wouldn't want to let that momentum go to waste on the drive or going home. I pushed to drive since I hadn't had anything to drink all night and wanted him to save his energy. We got home a bit after 2 am and honestly my body and mind were really tired, but part of me was really turned on and did NOT want to let all that sexual wave energy go. So I went ahead and confirmed I wanted to do stuff and we commenced with some serious hypnosis sex in various positions and intensities. Staring into his eyes from above, watching him suck on my nipples, helpless in that hungersexlongingalteredstate and shaking with pleasure even after he was done. He had to talk me down to relax me otherwise I could have run for hours.
I crashed a bit after three with Bryan doing his sweet tuck in ritual with a sleep trigger, an Irish song and a kiss goodbye.
And woke up three hours later to get the kids going and the wife to work. I was shockingly chipper and focused. I got the kids to do a stealth jump on Bryan to shout happy birthday to him, which was awesome to watch his shock melt into happiness melt back into unconsciousness. The wife and I have done threesome stuff before, but since I moved made it clear she wanted us to be more platonic so nothing's happened. I figured I'd go ahead and ask if she wanted to do a mutual cuddle, and she said she had a better idea. On the way to work she said she wanted us to get all dressed sexy in my bed, then invite Bryan in to enjoy. She said she'd just thought of it that morning and it was the best gift to give him, and that we wouldn't be doing anything to eachother. I was thrilled and absolutely in.
I dropped her off, then came back to get my hair cut and eyebrows done. It was a nice new-ish place, but does not replace the awesome Pin Up Salon in Austin. Then I got back to the house at 10:40 to find Bryan still crashed out in bed and saying he wanted to stay there. So I rushed out to go to the party store to get supplies and decorations, then rushed to the grocery store to get cake and other supplies, grabbed some Taco Bell for lunch and headed back in slow traffic to get home.
Bryan was awake on the laptop in bed. He'd moved the bright orange card I'd left on his laptop over so I brought it to him and teased about him missing it. He loved it. Then I gave him his wrapped gift- a copy of Cards Against Humanity which he'd wanted for awhile. We snuggled a bit and then I put him under and gave him a delicious trance all about confidence in his mastery and ease of pleasing both his slaves in and out of bed and being able to take care of everything. Mostly stuff I'd worked on mentally since the wife let me know what she wanted and to help get him primed for it. He really liked that also and did some hypno robot play with me afterwards which felt sooo yummy.
Then he said he just wanted peace so I left him and went to decorate the downstairs. I know the kids might have wanted to help, but this was his first birthday I could show off and wanted it to be done my way- the kids can decorate for another time. At about 2 I finally started to feel the shakes and like all my extra energy/adrenaline was wearing down. I asked to take a two hour nap and Bryan said yes, but I think he forgot the other stuff that was going on later. Namely that the eldest wanted to go get a gift for him (at a store which happened to stock her favorite toys also) and that the youngest was having a new helper show up. So an hour later, he wakes me up so I can do the shopping trip. But it had been a good rest and I felt pretty good to go, though a little fuzzy getting out.
This was the only stress/annoyance of the weekend really- the helper had the gift card and coupons to use and she raced out ahead of us. I'm still getting to know my way and the gps was a bit slow so we got a little turned around. I am thinking she's going to be there and waiting for us, but she's not. We do a store walkthrough and she's not there, having to pull the eldest from her favorite toys. I'm already low on time and grab the game we were there for, figuring I'd give the helper five minutes and then just buy it and be done. The helper comes in a minute or so later- she'd gone to the store one over to do some browsing since we weren't there. Whatever. We got the kid, bought the game, she headed out for the weekend. So now I'm a half hour later to go get the wife. Bah.
But I brushed it off and just headed out- though the wife needed to get her card and something for Bryan. We get to the house at about 7 and it isn't until 7:20 that the kids are ready AND Bryan gets off his computer to go to eat- which is another 20 minutes away. I had snacked to take care of myself but was still pretty hungry and getting late- knowing what we'd hoped to do later.
Dinner was at Famous Dave's which Bryan loves and it was pretty good food, if slow and inconsistent service. A nice family dinner out, and I think about 6 birthdays being celebrated that day. Though we didn't get home until after 10 and had to get the kids in bed. The wife also had to do her bathroom thing and that always takes forever so it was after 11 that Bryan got up, gave a quick kiss goodnight and said he was going to bed. I suggested he talk to the wife first but he seemed pretty resolute so I watched him go into the bedroom.
Which left me with a bit of a quandry. It was possible he would simply override whatever the wife wanted. It was possible it would continue as planned. I decided to give it five minutes but also decided if the wife was willing to let it go, that I wouldn't be putting myself out there so easily next time at her request. But the wife came out, said it was still on and we headed downstairs- her in a black bra and panties, me in a red bustier and black panties. It took him awhile to come down- I think he figured I was asleep but he finally got to my room and was thoroughly pleased with what he found.
I started with some initial tension, which is to be expected given the situation and my history. But it really was the best threesome I ever had. Hypnosis all around, sex all around, mutual pleasure all around, intense orgasms and connection all around. And yes, she and I played with eachother. I was able to open myself to experience not only how wonderful and passionate the wife is to release herself fully into the moment, but also open myself more to not comparing what Bryan and I have with what they have- after 20 years is pretty impossible really. I felt so good and cared for and felt so great for another tuck in.
Had to wake up at 10 on Saturday to get things ready for the party but felt pretty good doing it. After a quick shower, shoo-ing the kids and their mess upstairs to do final decoration and food set up. It was a superhero themed party so I created some food in disguise dishes including candy sushi with rice krispies and gummy worms and swedish fish and fried pineapple that looked like fish. Technically things started at 12 but his brother didn't show until almost 1, we didn't get the first game going until 3 and no one else showed until 4:30. I was a bit concerned when no one showed up in the afternoon, but hadn't planned on things to get going until late anyway. First we tried the Lord of the Rings card game which felt a bit slow and over technical for my tastes, but, was game. We scrapped it when the new people came and did a full campaign of Sentinels of the Multiverse which we were finally victorious in thanks to some kick ass powers and players, including my own.
There was some kerfluffle with one of the guests getting utterly lost and needing to get picked up, and I got the kids and the adults some real protein to combat all the chips, soda before and cake and ice cream after. Bryan lit his cake and did a whole thing about tossing the butane burner out and flaming them all at once which was pretty fun. Then we all sang around the table and he blew out his candles. At that moment I felt so happy I could burst, knowing that moment was worth anything and everything and wouldn't have wanted to miss it for anything else.
We shoo-ed all the kids upstairs and embarked on my first game of Cards Against Humanity, which seems a fun way to see how raunchy/wrong/amusing adults can be with random matched cards. It was somewhat more fun watching other people react to "shocking" ideas- including the wife not knowing what bukkake or queefing was. In the end. Bryan and I tied with 14 cards each, but as it was his birthday, he got the default win.
Being someone who has already been AROUND geeks and game playing stuff, I never wanted to get into it because the geeks I was around were always pretty cliquey and not good at explaining the games to newbies. Bryan is an expert at putting game concepts into understandable bits and makes it much more about the general campaign together- even as he delights in tearing you apart. It's not something I want to do every day, but I can enjoy spending a few hours getting through a fun campaign.
People left at about midnight and everyone agreed the food was great, the atmosphere was awesome and it was just a wonderful party all around. Yay!
I awoke lazily Sunday in my own time, the kids already up and raiding the snacks we'd left out of course. I showered, then went up to let Bryan know I was going suit shopping for my 2nd interview and found they were already up and moving also. Since the wife was already showered, I invited her along and so we went. I even got a nice cuddle in bed with Bryan waiting for the wife. On the way, the wife and I finally got to process a bit of what happened and we both were really happy about it. I thanked her for that experience of being intensely in the moment, and she loves that I'm not pushy or tries to encourage his lesser habits. She's a bit concerned about being inexperienced and I assured her with knowing what she does with Bryan, her enthusiasm and openness are the best things she could have.
We had a genuinely fun time shopping, though the stores were quite disappointing in their offerings, either being utterly bland black stuff or over the top with color. We went to Kohls and finally found a jacket I loved, but had a blank moment and neither of us could find the right size forever- until we saw a whole rack of them! Then the wife outshopped me by fully going through every pair of pants in the store, finally finding one that worked great. Then we got home and she wowed me by throwing a great pair of shoes and jewelry set that matched perfectly.
Bryan made us carbonara which was great, although the kids were in typical fussy form and that took most of the energy of dinner. Then we just hung out, watched tv, enjoyed our online Villains and Vigilantes campaign in which I fried myself as I took out an enemy. Really a great weekend time!