So I'm bored so I'm totally stealing this from Xepi. In other news: I have too many accounts and just keep making more.
Post a list of all your roleplaying journal names and explain what the names mean, if anything.
agent_bewd - So this is Kisara of Yugioh from an alternate universe. In it there is a giant sentient hole in space-time who is trying to destroy everything in order to find Yuugi, who is the one who completed the Devil's Avatar (which is around instead of the m. puzzle.) In an attempt to keep this rift from destroying everything with an army of mutant killer toys, there are pilots of dragon shaped mecha fighters who go and try to protect stuff and whatnot. Kisara is one of these pilots and she flies the B3W-DRAGON. Agent got thrown in there because idk it seemed to make sense.
ankhetisis - AU Aki, from Yugioh 5Ds. She is from Ancient Egypt and her name is Sobekkare Ankhetisis Ma'at. Haha, yeah I'm clever.
aristhjack - AU Jack, from Yugioh 5Ds. It's a crossover with Animorphs, in which Jack is Ax. Ax is an aristh, an andalite warrior cadet. So here it's Jack instead.
blackrosegale - Black Rose Dragon with an obvious username.
burnbbybrn - Fire Sorceress Witch. Who is a duel monsters card. Who is a little pyro.
darkfairycurse - Maleficent, from Sleeping Beauty. She is a dark fairy and she likes to curse things and... yeah. Well it was open so I took it, okay?
darlinggame - AU Yuugi, from Yugioh. In this universe Yuugi is a girl. She's also stupidly adorable. Oh and Yuugi means 'game' for the like 2 of you who don't know that.
fudouyuusei - It's a femme!Yuusei from Yugioh 5Ds, but the entire story here is: the name was open. I took it. I then sat down to wonder what I should use for the account.
hummingbirdline - Aslla Piscu from Yugioh 5Ds, also known as the hummingbird nazca thing. Yup.
inspectorpink - Inspector Jacques Clouseau from The Pink Panther. I don't think I need to explain the name, it sort of explains itself.
izayoiaki - Please see
fudouyuusei. This is also an animorphs!5Ds character. This time it is Aki/Rachel.
jackwentnuts - Captain Jack Sparrow, from Pirates of the Caribbean. Yeah this is all just like. What happened in the 3rd movie. So um. Though given the way he acts, it doesn't have to be 3!canon I guess.
keepaweathereye - William Turner II, once again from potc. "Keep a weather eye on that horizon." Yeah I'm clever.
kicksghostsbutt - Susannah Simon, from The Mediator which no one has ever heard of. Basically she can, in her words, "See ghosts, talk to ghosts, and if necessary, kick ghost butt." Guess where the username came from.
kingofpimp - Jack Atlus from Yugioh 5Ds. He is the former King of Riding Duel. In episode 73 he totally wears a pimp suit. Like 5 minutes later this account was created.
misses_leeches - Drusilla, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. One of her adorably crazy lines is as follows. "D'ya know what I miss? Leeches."
So yeah.
moooooooomentum - Akutsu, from Yugioh 5Ds. Also known as Mr. Momentum, this is the man who cannot pronounce 'Momentum' with only one O. Also the one who does the spinning dancing flippy thing all the time. It seemed very appropriate, and of course I had to use all 15 characters here.
mormetnreverse - I think this is a dark Dr. Fudou. I never really got the chance to find out, I just wanted to get the name, because Mormetn is awesome and you add Zero Reverse to it and yeaaaaah.
needstobreathe - Elizabeth Swan from PotC. "I'm told it's the latest fashion in London." "Well women in London must have learned not to breathe. *gasp*"
neon_ceo - Kaiba Seto from Yugioh season 0/series 1/toei/Shadow Games. You know, that period when he had BRIGHT NEON GREEN HAIR. And he's a CEO.
notanothlit - David of the Animorphs, who got trapped as a rat, aka became a nothlit. He turned human again when I picked him up for convenience and now he is totally not a nothlit, so completely not a nothlit, and he'll pound the brains in of anyone who tries to make him one again.
omyvalentine - Mai Valentine. Her first name is Mai. The puns, they just follow....
piratedice - Pirate!Yami, who is a pirate and plays games and dice were a common game.... Also in the only pic I have of him he was playing dice. So whatever.
pridenotvanity - Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice. He's got this line - "Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride - where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will always be under good regulation."
roseceleste - An OC of mine, whose name is Celeste and she likes roses. She's also pretty and dangerous and deceitful and a vampire and one of her favorite colors is red. One of the things that led me here, however, were some lyrics. "My love is just waiting to turn your tears to roses."
rudger_rabbit - Rudger, from Yugioh 5Ds. In a crossover with Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
ruinqueen - Aki again. She's the jewel of the Arcadia movement cause she's such a powerful psychic duelist and breaks like half of everything she encounters.
sakhral_jinni - Bartimaeus from The Bartimaeus Trilogy. He has a loooong list of names and titles that he's very fond of using. One of these is Sakhr al'Jinni.
smiles_scare_me - Rue, from Princess Tutu. Mytho starts getting his heart back and smiles at her. She freaks out and runs.
violet_bubble - Violet Parr, from The Incredibles. Who can create violet force fields that are frequently bubbles. Yeah. That Violet.
walkingthedead - The Disreputable Dog from the Abhorsen trilogy. The Disreputable Dog is also Kibeth, the walker, which has the power to make the dead walk where the weilder (of the bell that was made with the original Kibeth's power) wills. Or the living, but it's made for use on the dead. So there's that, and then the name is also sort of a play on walking the dog. Because she is a dog and she likes walks but she takes the dead on walks and....
whipitperfect - Franziska von Karma from Ace Attorney. She is all obsessed with perfection and whips everything.
wretchedmark - Another Aki, a younger one this time. The thought behind this was - if Aki could name an account what would she name it? Oh hey waaaaait.
youaremysupport - America from Hetalia. YOU ARE ALWAYS AMERICA'S SUPPORT. :D