\o/ productivity!

Nov 16, 2010 09:45

team_free_love pinch hit is complete, sassy_otp pinch hit is complete, go_exchange fic is complete, and two podfics are complete :D!

(If anyone's interested in the podfics, they're both SPN; Life Used to Be So Hard is gen, and Some Wishes Are Worth Waiting For is Dean/Sam Wincest.

Now just to get the deancas_xmas and holmestice assignments out of the way, plus the last two fics and one podfic owed for charity, and I'm FREE.

... so why am I considering signing up for Yuletide?


SOLEMN VOW: NEXT YEAR, NO CHALLENGES. I've got three epics that are poking me for attention and I'm determined to get them done, damnit, not to mention show my flist some love <3.


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