Aug 31, 2007 06:12
Sooooo I don't think I'm getting the position at Albany County... one of my references contacted me and said that she hasn't been contacted yet. Considering that the interviewers said that they'd be contacting final candidate references by this week, well, yeah...
Suck suck suck suck. Ahh well. This is what job hunting is all about! Constant rejection until you get lucky! It's dating, but much worse! No one likes the stench of desperation, I guess.
I'll definitely have to go and register for a class with non-existent money. Greeeat.
On the upside of things--I got a call yesterday from the city of Portland (Maine) for the Regional Tobacco Prevention Program Coordinator. Phone interview is on the 6th.
I need to grow thicker skin, and I need to stop taking my job hunting beyond the actual hunting. I start to envision myself where I will be, what I'd be doing, what I'd be doing with my money. It's nice to daydream, but I think that's what makes things hurt a bit more.
Ah well. Just keep swimming, eh?
job hunting,