While I wibble over having signed up for a long summer of work: have some things I have been reading and loving lately:
Those Fictions In Your Facts by
skellerbvvt. Permutations of Guinevere/Morgana/Merlin/Lancelot/Arthur, R. "And this is true: they would write their story, and they would write it wrong."
Gorgeous and heartbreaking and twisting, this really got to me. Morgana returns to Camelot and is halfway in the future already.
The future was insufferable.
kinkme_merlin fic, "One might have expected that his Awakening From Sleep To Save Albion In Her Darkest Hour might have been met by fanfares and rejoicing, but no."
Merlin is stuck in a tree. Arthur has to wake him up. Just wonderful.
at least it woud seem that we don't by
derryere, AU, NC-17, for the promt "Arthur/Merlin, reincarnation, one time they get re-born as brothers."
Fantastically well-written. They are very dysfunctional, and very real, and still hot and gorgeous and fill me with love.
Apples by
suaine. Hunith/Dragon, PG. I am much more than that, I am your kin.
This is my personal canon. It fits perfectly, it's wonderfully written and balances between deep and sweet. Hunith goes to visit the dragon after the Isleof The Blessed.
of being someone else's possibility kinkme_merlin fic for the prompt Gwen/Morgana, Morgana in armor/as a knight. Semi-au.
I quote: "It’s strange, Gwen thinks. The knight’s voice seems artificially low, but without the edge of panic that most new knights try so desperately to disguise. She can’t imagine what the knight is attempting to hide, if not fear; his voice is controlled without a hint of panicked arrogance. Youth perhaps. The knight is smaller than any knight she has seen, and while his composure speaks of experience, it seems more likely, at least, than blinding terror."
This kind of pushes all my buttons. OMG awsome. Morgana is brilliant and a perfect, strange knight. Gwen is lovely. Go read!