Strangers in a Bar 6/?

Jul 07, 2012 13:07

Chapter 6

The men's room had two stalls and three pissoirs and a window to small for a kid to crawl through. And absolutely no hiding spot for a man like Sam Winchester.

"Damn!" Dean bunched one of the stall doors with his fist and with the other hand dug out his cell phone. Sam didn't answer.

Next to the restrooms, however, there was the back door leading to the alley behind the bar. Between some dumpsters they found Sam's phone.

"Damn motherfuckers. I'll kill them, I'll kill them all." While Dean was frantically searching the alley - with no result so far - Victor called back Gerry and Foster.

"Sam is what?" Gerry yelled into his ear and Victor had to hold the phone at arm's length while Gerry let out a string of very unladylike words.

"Missing." Victor repeated when she stopped for a second to breath. "Sam's missing."

"Be right there." That was Foster while in the background Victor could still hear Gerry swearing.

Together they searched the area more thoroughly and questioned the guests and staff but nobody had seen anything.

"This kid is a fucking giant, how can somebody just grab him without anybody noticing?" Dean was near hyperventilating and he seemed not capable of standing still. In the parking lot they stood next to their cars, unwilling to leave but without an idea what to do next.

"Dean." Victor tried to snap Dean out of it but Dean was in his own little world. "Dean!" He shouted a sharp command and the boy snapped to attention.

"What?" He glared at him.

"Focus. You watched him when he left for the restroom." His voice trailed off but Dean got what he was thinking. Hell, if anybody would have noticed something out of the ordinary it would have been Dean.

While Dean was thinking - which didn't stop him from pacing - Victor tried to remember the situation right before Sam had left. Did somebody follow him? Victor couldn't tell.

This was bad, really bad. But as far as they knew this didn't have to be the vampires. Some sick human psycho could have grabbed Sam. Although Victor didn't believe that for a second. They were talking about the guy who had unarmed taken out two SWAT guys. No way somebody just grabbed him. Sam would have put up one hell of a fight. It would have drawn attention that was for sure. So vampires, maybe. Most likely. Victor tasted bile and an icy fist clenched his stomach.

"There were those kids." Dean said after what felt like an eternity. "A girl and two guys. Didn't fit right in, looked a bit too emo for this place."

"Okay." Gerry was at Dean's side but knew better than to put her arm on his shoulder also she looked like she wanted to. "That's a start. We'll go in and ask for those kids."

"Maybe they're just kids." Dean shook his head and looked just lost. Most of the time it was easy to ignore how young he still was. Now he looked like a kid who lost his puppy. Worse, he lost his little brother.

"Yeah, but maybe not. Let's find out." Gerry tugged him at his arm and together they made their way back inside. "We will find him." She said and with a glance over her shoulder she told Foster and Victor to stay back. Somebody had to keep an eye out for the people in the lot anyway.

"Shit." Foster kicked the tire of Gerry's truck.

"How ..." Victor started but couldn't quite bring the words out. He had to clear his throat before he could start again. "If the vampires have him ... what are his chances?" Is he still alive, was the question he didn't dare to ask. Foster didn't met his eye.

"Vampires feed off their victims for days." He stated the fact, trying to hide his emotions. "But if they know he's a hunter ..." Foster didn't have to finish the sentence. The second the vampires found out Sam was dead. It was that simple.

"We'll find him. Dean will find him." Foster said after a minute. "And he'll kill everything that's threatening his little brother."

Victor nodded there was no doubt about that. Nothing survived standing between Dean Winchester and his little brother that part about their relationship was hard to miss.

"But if ..." Now Foster struggled with the words. "If we don't find Sam in time." So Foster couldn't say the bad word either. "We'll have to watch Dean really closely. I don't know what that boy would do but it would be something stupid."

Victor had no reply for that. He had seen an agitated Dean running in circles while his brother was incommunicado and at that time Sam had only needed some time to think. Now it was obvious that he was in real danger. Or already dead - there he had thought the bad word - and it made him sick that he wanted to throw up.

"I'll keep an eye on Dean." Victor promised and thought of the arsenal in the trunk. If Dean wanted to off himself he would do it.

That, however, was something to think about after they had found Sam. And after the bad guys were dead. Foster handed him a machete which Victor hold pressed to his leg. No need to cause a panic but it felt good to be armed. If it would do him any good time would show.

Staying in sight Victor and Foster split up and made a round through the parking lot. The place was still busy and with all that people around somebody could carry Sam away without them noticing. Assuming Sam was still somewhere near by. The kidnappers had a head start so maybe they were out of town already. But they had to check anyway and at the moment Victor had nothing better to do.

There were some vans and trucks big enough to hide an unconscious body but nothing stood out. There wasn't a blinking sign pointing in the right direction. At this moment Victor really missed the FBI. Back then he only had to make one call and everything would get rolling. One "agent missing" and there would be road blocks and cars patrolling and a whole bunch of people searching for the missing agent. They would use the news and would set up a hotline. Nothing of that would happen now. It was only him and Gerry and Foster and a very furious Dean. No backup was coming and that sucked royally.

Suddenly there was shouting. It came from the back alley where they had found Sam's phone. Victor ran and out of the corner of his eye he saw Foster catching up with him. Skidding around the corner Victor spotted Gerry at the other end heading towards a house. The door swung against the wall and for a second Victor saw Dean sprinting up some stairs.

"Dammit boy." Victor said through gritted teeth but he kept running. For a second Gerry just stood at the door unsure if she should wait for Victor and Foster or back up Dean. With a wave telling them to hurry, she disappeared into the door shouting Dean's name.

Victor and Foster reached the door at the same time and they made their way up the stairs together. It was the back entrance of some kind of shop Victor noticed. Judging by the piles of garbage and dirt - and of course the broken windows and kicked in door - the building had been abandoned a long time ago. The only light came from a single street lamp through the broken windows and Victor had to be careful where to set his feet on the stairs. Above he heard movement and some shouting and he adjusted his grip around the machete.

"Left." Foster pointed down a hallway, through a door at the end shone light and shadows ghosted over the wall.

"Your blood is the life ... and it shall be mine." Said a deep voice, however, if Victor had to guess he'd say the owner of that voice had not to shave on a regular basis yet. If it weren't Sam's life at stake he'd laugh at this cliche scenario. In step with Foster he made his way down the hallway.

"Son of a bitch." Dean growled and it sounded way more terrifying than the other one. Something crashed and with a yelp Gerry flew through the door and landed right at Victor's feet. He reached down to help her up but she was on her feet already. Together they entered the room.

It looked like a place a homeless would stay for the night. A sleeping bag in one corner with dirty clothes and wrappers of cheap junk food laying around. From the opposite corner it smelled like somebody had been to lazy to go to another room to take a leak and in the middle some candles substituted for a camp fire. The owner of the sleeping bag sat with his back against the wall, his throat ripped out and dead eyes greeting the newcomers.

No sign of the vampire or Sam or Dean for that matter.

"Shit." Gerry crossed the room without looking at the body and leaned out of the broken window. "There they are." She pointed and climbed out.

Beneath the window there was a flat roof and Victor followed her without a second thought. A fight with a vampire on a roof for sure wasn't a good idea so he just kept on rolling, only thinking of catching up with Dean and the Dracula wannabe and hopefully Sam.

The trip over the roof was short. Through another window they went and down some stairs and then they stood in another alley. All three of them were running in circles. They didn't see or hear anything. Dean and the vampire - vampires? Victor wasn't sure - just had vanished.

"Hell, now we lost Dean, too." Gerry run a hand through her hair in frustration.

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continue to chapter 7

outsider pov, sam winchester, victor henriksen, spn fic, dean winchester

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