Strangers in a Bar 7/?

Jul 14, 2012 12:49

Chapter 7

A/N Warning: There is mild torture of a teen in this chapter. Nothing explicit or graphic.

Suddenly Gerry's phone rang.

"Dean?" She didn't even look at the caller ID or let the one on the other end say a word. "Where are you?"

Apparently it was Dean. Victor let out a sigh of relief.

"Got it. Be there in a minute." She ended the call and turned to Foster. "Get the truck and we need the blood. He's down that way in a backyard. Hurry."

Foster didn't have to be told twice. He took off running while Victor followed Gerry in the opposite direction.

"He got the vampire?" Victor had trouble to keep up with Gerry - who was what, ten years older than him? - he really should start to exercise more. As soon as they had survived this.

"Yeah." Gerry said with a sharp breath. "But without the blood he can't hold him for long." They rounded a corner and then another one and soon Victor had lost every sense of direction he ever had. But Gerry seemed to know where she was going. She, however, had been on the bar tour, they had probably scooped out the area before going in. Which made sense but was something Victor wouldn't have thought off. Another thing he had learned today. Awesome. He gritted his teeth and followed Gerry.

They reached the backyard and first Victor saw nothing out of the ordinary. Dumpsters, dirt and some dead plants but then somebody called from the shadows.

"Over here." Dean stood up to let them know where he was. At his feet lay a lump which could be a body. Or a bag of garbage, in the dark it was hard to tell.

"You got the blood?" He asked and bend down to stab the lump with his knife when it started to move. It groaned in a much too human voice.

"Foster should be here any second." Gerry was at his side but kept her distance from the struggling thing on the ground.

"Good." Dean stabbed it again. "This won't work for long." Another stab.

"I'll kill you." Said the lump and tried to get away from the knife but Dean just followed eyes never leaving his victim. Blood dripped from the blade in his hand.

"I'll kill you first." He said and kicked it in the side. "But first I've some questions."

The vampire tried to jump him - for a second the teeth were visible and, holly crap, it looked just like a shark - but it made contact with Dean's fist against it's temple rather than to rip out Dean's throat.

"Where's Foster?" Dean yelled, hardly keeping the vampire under control.

"I'm here." Out of an ally Foster ran towards them, a machete in one hand and a syringe in the other. Dean stabbed the vampire one last time and while it was down Foster shot the whole syringe into it's neck. When the vampire went down this time it didn't got back up.

"Is it dead?" Victor asked and stepped closer to get a look at that thing.

"Just sleeping." Dean was already searching it's pockets. "Let's get somewhere private to ask him some questions." Calm and collected, the fear for his brother now well hidden behind a mask of professionalism. Now, however, they had something to work with.

Dean and Foster carried the unconscious body to the truck Foster had parked right around the corner.

"OK." Foster secured the body with plastic stripes and climbed into the passenger seat. "We should get somewhere more private."

Gerry started the engine. "I saw a place. Just follow us."

Dean banged his fist against the hood in agreement, then turned on his heel to run back to the bar where he had left the Impala. More running. Victor bit back a snarky comment and kept his breath. He needed it to stay close to Dean.

"Is that your blood?" In the dim light inside the car he got his first good look at Dean. He remembered what Dean had said. About blood contact, about turning into one of those things.

"Not mine." He shot him a grin but with blood splattered all over his face he looked like a maniac. They followed Gerry's truck out of town to what seemed to be an old sawmill.

Always look out for abandoned buildings they could come in handy, Victor made a mental note.

Once inside everybody knew exactly what to do and Victor just tried to not stand in the way. He looked around to avoid to look at their prisoner. They were in some kind of office area and besides dust and broken windows it looked just like the workers would be back in the morning. They even had left the filing cabinets full.

Dean and Foster carried the still unconscious vampire inside while Gerry mixed some herbs and other stuff in a bowl and lit it. The smell made Victor nauseous and his eyes water.

"What's that for?" He asked with one hand covering his mouth.

"Masking our scent." Gerry answered. "So the other vampires won't find us."

"Victor." Dean shouted over his shoulder. "There are halogen lamps in the car, get them." He threw him the keys while his attention already was back to his prisoner. Together with Foster he tied him to a chair. And wasn't that familiar.

"Be right back." Victor announced and hurried out of the room. He wasn't sure what he had expected. Some bloodthirsty monster with fangs and glowing eyes, something right out of a horror movie. What he hadn't expected was a teenager with pimples.

Swearing under his breath he opened the trunk of the Impala and got the lamps. It was still in the middle of the night and the sawmill had been probably shut down years ago. So no power, no light. But hunters were prepared.

He brought the lamps back in just in time to watch the vampire waking up. It was just a kid. Sixteen, seventeen at most. What the hell were they doing here?

Pictures from the crime scenes in St. Louis flashed in his mind. He knew Dean didn't do it but the similarity was hard to miss. Dean maybe didn't torture the girls back then but he was absolutely capable of doing it, Victor realized.

On a desk Dean had an open jar of blood and his knife was smeared with the thick liquid. His intention was clear. He would torture the kid to get the information he needed. To find his brother.

Foster and Gerry stood aside, wary, machetes in hand ready to intervene if anything went wrong. They didn't seem to have a problem with the age of their victim.

Victor swallowed and kept himself busy by setting up the lamps. In the hard halogen light the kid seemed even younger.

Keep it together, Vic, he instructed himself. You saw the teeth and the dead homeless guy. This isn't a kid, it's a monster. But it was hard to believe. Can you kill something with a human face?, Dean's voice in his head mocked him.

"You with us again?" Dean grabbed the kid's hair and forced him to look him in the eye.

"Mortal, you will suffer for this." The kid tried to sound dangerous but it sounded more like a line out of a cheap movie, barely masking his fear.

"Later." Dean let go of his hair and the kid glared at him. "For now I've some questions. If you have any instinct of self preservation, you'll tell me what I want to know."

"You can't harm me, I'm immortal. I'm the wolf and you're just poodles." He pouted while he looked from one hunter to the other till his gaze settled once again on Dean. It would have been more impressive without him trembling.

"Newsflash. I can harm you and I can kill you." Dean stepped back to hold his blood dripping knife into the vampire's line of view. "You know what dead man's blood is?"

The kid just glared at him.

"Let's start easy. What's your name?"

"You may address me as Edward, mortal." Was he channeling Dracula? Victor bit back a snort. This kid was the only one who could tell them where Sam was.

"Edward?" Dean shook his head. "What kind of parents name their kid Edward?"

"It's the name I chose for my eternal life." Edward answered stiff, wide eyes on the knife.

"Alright, Eddy." Dean was back to business. "Your folks have kidnapped my brother and that kinda pisses me off." Which was the understatement of the year. "Is he alive?"

He was face to face with the kid and Victor felt sorry for Edward. Dean could burn a hole into his skull with that glare.

Edward snapped at him with full fangs. Surprised Victor flinched back but Dean just moved smoothly out of range. Without breaking eye contact Dean cut Edward's arm with the bloody knife. Eddy screamed. Around the cut Victor saw black lines spreading under the skin.

"Is he alive?" Dean repeated the question.

"What is this?" Edward asked still gasping in pain. "Nothing can harm me."

"They didn't tell you about this kind of blood? Too bad." Dean clicked his tongue. "Don't worry I've plenty. And we have all night." Another cut and the kid screamed again. This time he couldn't hold back his teeth. It looked so wrong in his young face. Victor closed his eyes which made it worse. Now he was only hearing the agony. He opened his eyes again but kept them on the floor. It worked for a second or so. Like a train wreck it was horrible but he couldn't get his eyes off it.

For a minute there was only Edward's harsh breathing mixed with whimpers of pain.

With clenched fists Victor stood in the back and fought the urge to stop this. This wasn't right, this couldn't be right.

"Is he alive?" Dean yelled into Edward's face.

"Alive! He's alive." Edward's was voice high with fear and pain. "He's alive, I swear he's alive."

"It isn't so hard, isn't it?" Dean actually smiled and it was one of the creepiest things Victor had ever seen.

"And now you'll tell me where your nest is, how many of you suckers there are and how many victims you hold captive."

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continue to chapter 8

outsider pov, sam winchester, victor henriksen, spn fic, dean winchester

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