Mar 28, 2006 10:25
Today is one of those wonderful days when I don't have to be at work until the afternoon. Granted, I don't get off until after 8, but no biggie. I'm so lucky that I have a wonderful husband who would never think of chastising me for having weird hours, and then further chastise me for being later than expected (because that does happen sometimes with my job--yay for overtime!). Even if we had kids or something, we would be able to work out strange schedules--it seems that having a traditional M-F 9-5 workweek is getting less and less frequent as we are becoming an available-24-hours-a-day kind of world. Anyway, I just happen to know a woman at work whose husband gives her shit about her hours and if she's half an hour later than expected (not to mention he shits on her about her hair, her looks, her cooking, and lets HIS kids treat her like dirt--fucked up, if you ask me). Anyway, that junk is sad and I don't want to think about it anymore. Suffice it to say that my husband is smart, awesome, a genuinely nice guy, and freaking cute to boot!
Did I mention today is absolutely beautiful? I mean, on top of the fact that I'm in my pj's on a Tuesday at 10am drinking coffee and listening to a mix cd while lj-ing it up, it's totally cloudy and perfect outside! I think it was raining earlier as I was drifting off to sleep for my 7-9am morning nap (I got up at 5:30 to have breakfast and make Brian coffee). I love when the weather is just barely cool--it's like you go outside and it constantly feels like a nice, cool drink of water. I love it.
My cat is so funny. When I'm on the computer, she likes to crawl up inside a cubby hole in the desk and just hang her head out. Sometimes she looks up at me with her yellow eyes, and sometimes she just stares at the floor like she has a lot on her mind. It's neat when cats are contemplative.
Oh, by the way, I'm totally addicted to myspace. I resisted it for so long, but it has me locked in its strong e-grip of strange fascination. Obviously, it's fun finding friends and catching up and all that junk, but I like looking at other people's pages too. It's a fun, slightly naughty feeling looking at the page of someone who you knew in high school who probably doesn't remember you at all and finding out what kind of self-involved freak they've become. And now I'm one of them! Wah ha ha ha!!!
Okay, babies, time to get back to the real world!