(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 10:24

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bottle rocket:
    Bottle Rocket is Wes Anderson's first movie--it's less hip than Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and The Life Aquatic, but very funny.
  2. french bulldogs:
    French bulldogs are ugly and cute at the same time.
  3. joel sorren paintings:
    One of the best painters ever, and he's from Flagstaff. If I had a child, I would decorate his/her room with Joel Sorren art interspersed with some Normal Rockwell (to avoid nightmares). Sorren's work isn't necessarily nightmarish, per se, but it often has a weird, disfigured and somewhat eerie beauty to it.
  4. my bloody valentine:
    Cool, older underground band. I'm not much into them anymore, but they have my thumbs up.
  5. painting:
    Painting. I wish! I'd love to be able to really paint, but right now I don't have the knowledge to know what kinds of paints to use or how to properly mix paints and all that stuff and more. I have a romantic notion to just buy all sorts of equipment and just jump into it with no fear of what kind of garbage I'll produce, but I'm not there yet. I don't want to paint garbage, so I'll paint nothing at all.
  6. reading:
    I just finished reading Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix, and it was great! It took me forever because it's so goddamn long (over 800 pages--I read somewhere that the book weighs a couple of pounds) and because I have to read my biology book too. Nevertheless, I totally enjoyed it and am looking forward to starting the 6th book whenever I can get my hands on it.
  7. salvadore dali paintings:
    I was really into Dali back at NAU when I was studying Spanish and stuff. I think his art is really neat because everytime you look at a particular painting, no matter how many times you've seen it before, you'll most likely see something you hadn't noticed before. They also have a lot of themes and autobiographical refereces, which I like.
  8. taking naps:
    Need I say more?
  9. the pixies:
    I saw them last year and, after a couple of beers and after a rousing rendition of 'Monkey Gone to Heaven', I cried.
  10. the who:
    "Whoooooo are you" if you're not a Who fan?

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