So we're back, for possibly one of the largest multi-posts in Jackson Celebrates history. Once more I apologize for the seemingly random nature of my recent updates, rest assured that I feel an overwhelming guilt upon realizing that I have not updated in a full week.
We have Six days to Celebrate today. So many that they would not all fit in the title, which is a first.
Speaking of first.
21st of June - National Daylight Appreciation Day
It saddens me to realize that this is the first celebration I have actually celebrated in nearly a month. I went outside and stood in the sun, soaking up its warming rays, letting them caress every inch of exposed skin until I was warm enough to go out and hunt small insects and some mammals.
I am a lizard.
We do need sunlight. Like, seriously. It's what makes us happy, to put it very simply, it's what makes us feel energetic and stops us killing ourselves. There are far higher suicide rates in countries with less sun, and there is ample evidence to suggest that more elderly people die in winter, when sunlight is scarce, than in summer. So sunlight is important.
It's also pretty dangerous, obviously there is the risk of skin cancer from too long an exposure to it's warming rays, but it also has a large effect on the deterioration of our bodies as we age.
22nd of June - Stupid Guy Thing Day
Who amongst us, fellas, hasn't done a stupid guy thing. Weather it's forgetting an anniversary or stealing from a zoo, we've all been there. It's just something that will happen to all men at one point in there life.
Now for those of you who are not in the know, i.e. females, a stupid guy thing is a thing only a guy would do, things that require that certain level of competitiveness and the unwavering belief they're invulnerable. Something like, say, eating more spiders than a friend, or drinking bleach.
The choice drink of the stupid.
My stupid guy thing would have to be the countless games of "Who Can Keep Their Hand in the Freezing Water the Longest." nearly all of which I've lost. Basically it's all in the title, guys and gals, it's the stupidest game ever but for some reason we feel the need to play it.
23rd of June - Let it Go Day
I'm going to leave this one up to you guys, what should I let go? Most of you know who I am, so tell me, is there something I hold onto dearly that I should just give up on? Let me know in the comments.
24th of June - International Fairy Day
I don't know if this day is about actual Fairies or gay people, I'm going to assume the former simply because it's more interesting.
"Yawn. Bor-ing!"
So fairies, lets discuss them. The thing about fairies is that they are occurrent throughout almost every folklore, from African to Aboriginal, there is some talk of a magic little people who live amongst the trees and briars, and who pose some kind of vague threat. Now I'm not trying to say that fairies exist, that's retarded, more I am suggesting that either this is a very common and easy idea to come up with, or it is some kind of racial memory of smaller pigmy ancestors of ours.
Or fairies exist.
*Runs away Gleefully*
25th of June - Take Your Dog to Work Day
Sorry, this is pretty much impossible. I am a fundraiser which means I work on the street and try and get people to donate to charity, something I could not do if I was looking after the ever wonderful Follow.
26th of June - Armed Forces Day
This is one of those celebrations I don't feel I have the capacity or tact to celebrate without adding a picture of Einstein, so instead I will provide y'all with some links.
Wiki Page
Official Website Probably Not The Official Website
Thank you all for your time, the 27th will be celebrated with a video post.