Today is Pretzel Day, a day created by congressman Robert Walker in 1983, celebrates not only pretzels and all their salty goodness, but also the contribution Pretzel Bakeries have made to the state of Pennsylvania.
It, uh, it must have been a big contribution for a whole day to be named after it. After doing a bit of research I uncovered little to nothing. So I don't know, maybe there was a fire in the middle of town, right beneath the feet of Robert Walker, nobody knows where it came from, or how it was started, but there was a fire, right there. It catches on to Robert's Leg, gripping it like a small dog, Robert flails around wildly, but ends up more or less engulfed. Jim Jericho, local Pretzel Baker, hears Robert's cries for help and rings the special bell which alerts all the other Pretzel Bakers in Pennsylvania. They rush to the scene of the crime and all begin beating the fire off the congressman with giant pretzels, the congressman is saved, and creates a day in there honor.
Also we will erect a statue
Of course, that's only a theory.
In actual fact, who knows? Maybe we should just appreciate pretzels for what they are, salty paradox's that suck to dip.
Goodnight everybody, you've been a wonderful audience.
Dammit Jackson, your ideas are stupid
Happy Pretzel Day
P.S. Today was also the Birthday of Guestlebrator Max, he's 19 now, and ready to be sent into the wild with more of his own kind, wacky shenanigans will ensue. But seriously, Happy Birthday Max, here's to many more.