Why is it that certain days fall on days wherein I can't celebrate said day? Is it because what I am doing is a slight against God? Was that the 11th commandment:
GOD: So yeah, don't steal your neighbors Ox, he needs that.
MOSES: Yeah sure, sounds like a deal.
GOD: Oh and before you go, can you make sure no one ever celebrates one celebration a day over the course of a year?
MOSES: Sure... why?
GOD: Oh, you know....
MOSES: Not really.
GOD: Shut the fuck up and do it Moses!
Point is, today (yesterday, rather) was Talk Like Shakespeare Day, and where was I that day? Hmmm? Why I was working at PBS, doing reception. That's right, on a day where I was supposed to talk differently all day, I was doing something that required, nay, necessitated, me talking normally.
It's god, I swear.
I was going to repeat this post in Shakespearean to make up for it, but that's just dumb. Instead I will point out that Shakespeare didn't speak like he wrote, and probably spoke much the same way I did today, or, as it were, yesterday.
So yes,
Happy Talk Like Shakespeare Day
*tomorrow is Eeyore's Birthday*