9th of March - Panic Day

Mar 09, 2010 19:24

Hi everyone, come in, sit down. How are we all? Good? Thats fantastic. There are some sandwiches on the bench over there if you're hungry. You're welcome to have some if you like.

Just so you know, none of us look like this.

Ok, everyone's feeling comfortable? Wonderful. Today we're going to talk about what makes us panic. Those little things, both dangerous and harmless, that make us feel scared and vulnerable. It doesn't matter if it sounds ridiculous, we are all supportive here at Jackson Celebrates.

Well sort of, they suck at waking me up.

Your nervous, that's ok, look, how about I go first? The dark panics me, but only very late at night. I will lie in bed and freak out because I can't see around me, and who knows, maybe there's something there. Sometimes it will get so bad that I pull the doona around my feet so that nothing can grab them. Well, that's me done, who'd like to go next? Max?

Well, uh, the Illiterate.
The illiterate make me panic. Oh and bears. Bears are pretty scary.
True. Yes.... yes, bears are pretty scary.

Ok, well done Max, thank you for sharing. Kim, would you like to go next?

Gay men forcefully hitting on me.
That is pretty scary, yeah.
Dilluted orange juice, too.
That one's... not as frightening, but thank you anyway.

Iona, have you got your hand raised? Yes?

The spirit of tasmania boat.
A fear of the sea then?
No just the boat.
...Well, yeah, ok, like, it's pretty big, and big things are.... ok....

Thank you Iona, well done. Joe, you seem pretty eager to tell us what makes you panic.

Basking Sharks.
Ah, firmer ground here, sharks are terrifying.
No, no, not that, their mouths, nothing should have a mouth that big.
...So, size again... I don't...

Missing the cut off point for posting suggestions for a blog.
Ah, Chantalle, thank you. How... oddly specific.

Butterflies. Funny, flappy, dusty feeling butterflies. Henceforth butterfly enclosures.
Butterflies? Ok Lizzie, good on you for sharing. Butterflies? You sure? Well ok.

Alright. Um. That got out of hand fast, but, uh, but I think we made some progress. Well done everyone, and good luck with your personal panics.

Happy Panic Day.


*tomorrow is Lips Apreciation Day*

chantalle, 19, max, dialogue, iona, therapy, joseph, kim, photos, 19th, jackson, panic day, lizzie

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