When I read the excerpt for the first time, a little mind-bomb went off.
Not enough feminist work has focused on documenting and sharing ways
individuals confront differences constructively and successfully. Women and
men need to know what is on the other side of the pain experienced in
politicization. We need detailed accounts of the ways our lives are fuller
and richer as we change and grow politically, as we learn to live each
moment as committed feminists, as comrades working to end domination. In
reconceptualizing and reformulating strategies for future feminist movement,
we need to concentrate on the politicization of love, not just in the
context of talking about victimization in intimate relationships, but in a
critical discussion where love can be understood as a powerful force that
challenges and resists domination. As we work to be loving, to create a
culture that celebrates life, that makes love possible, we move against
dehumanization, against domination.
In "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," Paulo
Freire evokes this power of love, declaring:
"I am more and more convinced that true revolutionaries must perceive the
revolution, because of its creative and liberating nature, as an act of
love. For me, the revolution, which is not possible without a theory of
revolution - and therefore science - is not irreconcilable with love ....
The distortion imposed on the word "love" by the capitalist world cannot
prevent the revolution from being essentially loving in character, nor can
it prevent the revolutionaries from affirming their love of life."
That aspect of feminist revolution that calls women to love womanness, that
calls men to resist dehumanizing concepts of masculinity, is an essential
part of our struggle. It is the process by which we move from seeing
ourselves as objects to acting as subjects. When women and men understand
that working to eradicate patriarchal domination is a struggle rooted in the
longing to make a world where everyone can live fully and freely, then we
know our work to be a gesture of love. Let us draw upon that love to
heighten our awareness, deepen our compassion, intensify our courage, and
strengthen our commitment.