Idle No More

Dec 21, 2012 03:42


(December 10, 2012) Less than three weeks ago, 4 women from
Saskatchewan (Indigenous and non-Indigenous) decided that they could no
longer stay silent in the face of what is a legislative attack on First
Nation people and the lands and waters across the country.

Bill brings forward changes specifically to the Indian Act that will
lowers the threshold of community consent in the designation and
surrender process of Indian Reserve Lands.

When Bill C45 was
brought to the House of Commons for a vote, First Nations leaders
demonstrated that they are hearing these voices loud and clear. They
joined the efforts against Bill C 45 and went to Parliament Hill where
they were invited into the House of Commons by the New Democratic Party.
However, they were refused entry.

This refusal to allow First
Nations leadership to respectfully enter the House of Commons triggered
an even greater mobilization of First Nation people across the country.

The passage of Bill C45, Idle No More has come to symbolize and be the
platform to voice the refusal of First Nations people to be ignored any
further by any other Canadian government.

The National Day of
Action for Idle No More will mark the point in history when the
generations and centuries of the refusal to acknowledge the relationship

People across the country have mobilized in that same
spirit and have taken it upon themselves to create the space for their
own voices.

On Monday, December 10 First Nations people and
their allies will stand in solidarity across the country in more than 13
locations: Vancouver, Whitehorse, Calgary, Edmonton, Stand Off,
Saskatoon, North Battleford, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Toronto and Goose
Bay-Happy Valley.

Other legislation on its way through the legislative process that will directly affect First Nation people:

• Bill C-27 First Nations Financial Transparency Act
• Bill S-2 Family Homes on Reserve and Matrimonial Interests or Right Act
• Bill S-6 First Nations Elections Act
• Bill S-8 Safe Drinking Water for First Nations
• Bill C-428 Indian Act Amendment and Replacement Act
• Bill S-207 An Act to amend the Interpretation Act
• Bill S-212 First Nations Self-Government Recognition Bill and the “First
Nations” Private Ownership Act

news, anthro concepts

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