May 08, 2012 22:19
In 12.4 km by foot by foot by foot by foot stepping forward and forward and forward and one step, one step, one step, one, step, at a time at a time at a time, today
my friend I haven't talked to for months and I played chess we talked about his old beat-up shoes and tattered clothes and him writing this and my anxiety We moved our pieces taking time time time it was nice to just sit quietly and move pieces my foolish forward moves big and bold and swooping and foolish foolish unexpectedly cornered his king with his own bishop it was my rook and my queen and next time he beat me and then the beats we listened to Frances Gall the other day outside listening to the sound of gulls in the distance and if you close your eyes the cars going by kind of sound like waves
At the grocery parking lot a man with a wrinkly face smiled at me. He was driving an old, dusty, blue Ford truck. As his wheels made it over the hump of the turn his head tossed side to side like a rag-doll in the jaws of a playful
cat stretches his paw at my shoulder to wake me up around the same time every morning just before my alarm sets off. He makes me really laugh when we play together and then he will lick my knuckles and bite my wrists and
I bought an envelope of seeds to grow chives.
I will stretch widely and foolishly
I must do something different and scary and fun and exciting