May 08, 2012 09:44
This morning:
I watched a big, wet, raven perched on a wooden pole look back at me after it shook its shaggy feathers and that made me smirk.
When I sat on the bus, I removed the graphic novel, EVOLUTION, from it's cellophane bag and opened the pages to read and was reminded about how amazing we are. And as I follow each rectangular space and the black and white shapes words each voice I can hear these goobly characters talking as if they sound how I think they do isn't it strange? We are multicellular organisms capable of thought and arrived here through adaptations isn't it incredible how far and wide we have come and that I'm reading this and that
I watched earthworms stretch long like fat elastics magnetizing tiny pebbles as they crawled this morning; I want to pick a few of them up for my composting bin that I've started since I moved in it is layers - a month's record of my diet like a timeline like the one as you would find when you walk up to the stairs to the science department
When I read about the earth's crust all I can think about is
I am printing the updated catering menu for Hors d'Oeuvres and I'm excited when I read each word and what they are I can taste each piece and I see some spelling mistakes that I will have to tell I imagine how I might make something similar and maybe when I am unemployed I will apply to a private catering company or to an airline company because I think the guest is to be wined and dined and I like pleasing
pleasure-seeking palate palatine palette
and one day I'd like to go to the piano bar my work colleague was just telling me about now where it's hardwood floors and rough and rowdy people but it is not too loud I don't think because you can get roasted and lie on a piano and they talk dirty to you and make you go red and the musicians duel with their song and performance and you die laughing
and the dark rich soil isn't really dirty it's just dark like just before I opened my eyes this morning and still felt anxious but my sight wasn't dirty the view out my window is nice as it's framed by my big window the building was built in 1915 and exists like it does and I live in it
Tamara gave me a really nice card the other week it says DREAM BIG