My professor appears more heavily bearded than usual. It is fitting. He is super cool. He owns a pair of black Converse shoes -- with flames on the side. He had worn them as a way to not conform to the establishment. Black, rectangular-rim glasses. Reddish hair. A scarf. Often a brown corduroy blazer. One pink and one white ribbon. In reference to the thesis process, we often use food metaphors, like "thicken the stew". We have discussed "theory" as a sort of "kaleidoscope" in addition to my "layers of clothing", or "shoes" metaphor. His office door is a mash of posters for various lectures on campus.
Ben dials Cindy, the secretary, to ask when the thesis should be bounded by at the very latest.
Ben: Have you seen...
Little Britain?
me: "Just a few clips..."
He briefly explains the rude secretary routine.
We chuckle.
I started my references cited -- freakin' BEAST in itself. Still a couple sections to do.
Must make sure my reference pages are IMPECCABLE.
Yesterday, I inhabited the library with Sarah sharing a bag of trail mix seeds like two birds. We took a break for lunch - at the lake. She shared her lunch of rice, and egg curry. Delicious and filling. She was deciding between a red dress or a brown dress for a party she was going to on Saturday. Immediately, I told her, brown, because "RED incites LUST! Unless that is what you want. Brown is you. Plus it has more design. It says, elegance."