Shhhhh....Desi keeps forgetting to take all her fucking pills.

Aug 03, 2009 19:04

I'm only marginally crazy though.

Actually, i'm quite stable. I'm just me. Meaning I'm sort of sad, and nostalgic, and melancholy and all sorts of shit like that.

But I'm not remaining static! In terms of relationships, at least.

I am seeing other people, dammit! Multiple other people, which is awesome, depending on how you define awesome.

I think at least one of them has the potential to pan out as something reasonably wicked. He is a musician. I highly suspect he will turn out to be disappointingly passive in the bedroom, but meh. I can chill with that for awhile.

Sometime, I'm going to have to try hanging out with someone mature enough to handle the whole domination thing without it spilling over into me getting no respect whatsoever in daily life. I just want to be called a slut, not treated like one in the morning. 0.o ...well, not EVERY morning. ...well, not by my partner, anyhow.

...This may not be possible for a decade or so, and I'm willing to accept that. I think. Probably.

I'm not going to start dating much older men again. In my (albiet limited) experience, men who are 40+ and interested in dating a 25 year old don't really have all that much to offer a relationship. (okay, I was even younger then than I am now, but I can't imagine it's changed that much. I'm in the same age group.)

In all other areas of my life, things are calm and stable and pleasant. Isla is adjusting well to her medication-free month, although if she doesn't stop being so tall, blonde, tanned, and gorgeous, I'm going to cry. I'm having a hard time keeping the 10-13 year old boys away from her. They think she's like 9 or 10, and she is of course 6. (she does look older than she is.) She doesn't get it at all and is totally into going over to some 11 year old boy's house to watch transformers. I'm like "no. nononononononono. also no." I need a bigger stick.

I like my job! ^_____^ I make nowhere near enough money, but I have fun, and honestly that's more important to me.

I'm currently saving up to be roommates with my little sister, which should be just nonstop partying. No, not really, but it'll be fun, I think, us living together. Provided she comes out of her bedroom on a regular basis. Even if she doesn't. That's what MSN is for! Talking to people in the next room!

I have been winning friends and influencing people, apparently. But not teenagers. Teenagers have finally stopped thinking I am one of them and now fear me. It is a milestone, and one I've waited for since I was 18. :D

(although apparently people still assume I am 19-20 until they meet my daughter. one manager at work thought I was 17. 0.0 I stared at her like that. I think she may need glasses. I look younger than I am, I'll accept that, but I do NOT look under 20. I really don't think I look under 20.)

I have lost still more weight! I am now shopping in normal tiny people stores and have lost just about 5 dress sizes. That's scary, but in an awesome way, I guess. :) And I have not lost any of my awesome rack, or all of my fantastic ass, so I'm pleased with that.

My college grad was evidently awesome, though I was missed and they are mailing me all my awards and shit. My computer teacher wants to meet up and have coffee because she's says I'm too smart to be a checkout girl. I'm like whatevs, but kk because I like money. (don't I sound smart when I type like that?)

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