this is it.
I forreal listen to Darkest Hour---& I enjoy it.
ReaganLoveSucks: hair is stupid.
ReaganLoveSucks: i should just shave my head.... you know what else i hate.. the feeling of clean hair.
four LEFT feet: ME TOO
four LEFT feet: i hate washing my hair
ReaganLoveSucks: yeah, and for some stupid reason i did it last night... and today i hate myself and the way i look.
ReaganLoveSucks: but i do smell nice.
four LEFT feet: yeah
four LEFT feet: i did it this morning
ReaganLoveSucks: silver lining i guess.
four LEFT feet: and now it wont do right
ReaganLoveSucks: exactly..
four LEFT feet: how long do you wait til you wash it
ReaganLoveSucks: of course mine never does right.
ReaganLoveSucks: about a month.
four LEFT feet: i usually wait 4 or 5 days
ReaganLoveSucks: because i guess i'm horrible dirty... i've gone much, much longer.
four LEFT feet: oh well
ReaganLoveSucks: the thing is, it doesn't get gross though... all my pictures on myspace are from a time when it hasn't been washed in several months... none of them does my hair look greasy.
four LEFT feet: mine either
four LEFT feet: thats pretty awesome
ReaganLoveSucks: yeah i know... HIGH FIVES!
four LEFT feet: RIGHT ON
He's awesome.
this is him.
sorry i tried to resize it but it didnt work.
But-I forreal am sick of my hair. I hate ittttt-& i don't know what to do! :(
I hate fixing it-straightening it-washing it-it's just a real pain in the butt.
But-I feel like I have somthing to tell everyone but I can't remember what.
oh welllllllllll.
food is nasty.