Apr 12, 2013 20:20
I have a cousin with cancer in an advanced stage, he has done surgery and radiation and chemo... It hasn't gone away, but it also isn't killing him quickly. The doctors are not recommending more treatment (because he is older than me and probably can't survive much more 'treatment', he is pretty darn weak and fragile by now). He probably doesn't have a lot of time left.
I have a friend who has younger relatives fighting cancer and she is constantly advising them about what they should eat, and what they should do.... And I know that comes from love, but I don't feel motivated to do that. I don't think that I live a perfectly healthy life and I certainly don't feel qualified to give advise to others. But should I get more involved? Get him to meditate, avoid non-organic foods, avoid all processed foods, drink more pure water, etc, etc?
I guess I kind of feel that we all have our own fated time table, and I don't really feel that cutting out something he enjoys (I haven't questioned his diet in any way, I'm assuming he tempts his appetite with foods he enjoys) would not necessarily prolong his life (but it might well reduce his enjoyment of the time he has left). I'd rather just send him the 'Firefly' DVDs...
Anyway, it was on my mind. I'm hoping I'll be able to see him in July when I drive out East to the North American Discworld Convention (the 3rd Biannual NADWCon). Of course there is no guarantee he'll be with us in July.