Wow, I loved tonight's Who... I love the idea of storytelling as the thing that feeds... because it is certainly my experience. I've been filling myself with stories from great TV shows and books (okay, they aren't all great books, but they are entertaining stories). Funnily enough I haven't been tempted to see any movies lately at all (I'm not sure that Hollywood studios are very good at storytelling, they certainly aren't very good at hiring writers *eyeroll*).
But back to Who... I wept through the ending of this one, and I don't do that often.
I am not in love with Clara, but I feel she has been versatile (I really loved her in Dalek Asylum, and I really enjoyed her Investigator persona in the Snowmen episode on Christmas Day).
I hate the new interior of the TARDIS... I had loved the Steampunk look so much, and this one looks bare and sterile and boring.
I got these amazing stamps from
LoveJames, aren't they amazing?
And a little while after Doctor Who on BBC-America I watched the most awesome episode of Nerdist ever, it was their Zombie episode! Mostly about Walking Dead (which is always fun) but also included a series of ad parodies made by Karen (Amy Pond on Doctor Who) Gillan, she is amazing:
Click to view
Do you think Rory is a zombie too??