My prize from Geek and Sundry arrived!

Apr 20, 2012 16:41

I went to the Post Office today and my prize from Geek and Sundry had arrived! I'm so excited!
The day before Geek and Sundry premiered online Felicia Day did a 12 hour online extravaganza (from 10 am to 10 pm Pacific time, that was noon to midnight in the midwest) on April 1st.  During that 12 hour show she gave away prizes for little online contests, and finally at the very end of the day she had a drawing competition:
I didn't see the competition until 11:30 pm, and the drawing had to be submitted by 11:45 pm, so I had no time to lose!
I quick did a scribbled sketch of what (to me) embodied the fun filled day we had had:

Felicia wearing the daisy, punching the unicorn (he deserved it)!
I realize it is a terrible drawing, but I had to draw quickly, because I then had to scan it in, save it to photobucket, and then twitter the link to them at Geek and Sundry (clearly that was going to take up most of my time!)!
And just before midnight I got a twitter message saying that I was a winner, and giving me an email address where I could go to collect my prize!
Here is my prize:

(click to enlarge)
It is a grab bag of silly stuff which totally delights me!  The Baby manual will be regifted to the next person among my friends and/or family who get pregnant (I do that, I know it is bad).  I love swag!  LOL

prize package, geek and sundry, swag, felicia day

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