my travels so far...

Sep 16, 2009 18:24

I've been out traveling for more than two weeks, and getting tired of it... and really tired of the rain cloud that has been dogging my steps. Have you heard of Al Capp's jinx Joe Btfsplk, because I'm beginning to think that that is me.
Do you think this trip was a big mistake? *sigh*

Anyway I had a great visit in Austin w/my friends there, we all went to the Greek Orthodox Church on Sunday

And afterwards we all went to a Mediterranean Buffet for lunch

then that night we left the 98 year old Mom at home and we went to someone's one woman show, followed by a light/late supper

It was all fun. And then the next day I hit the road and drove to Nacogdoches (where I am now).
I'll be posting more later.

austin, +, travels

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