
Dec 30, 2007 20:53

Happy New Year!

I already wrote this once and then lost it (grrr argh, I thought lj had some kind of automatic save feature?  I guess not so much) so now I’m writing it AGAIN, but off line.

I just want to wish my flist a very happy successful 2008, in fact I’m kind of hoping for that my own self.

I haven’t written any resolutions for 2008, I do have a to do list for January, and I hope that I can avoid procrastinating in 2008!  I also hope I can continue doing my asanas and getting some regular exercise, but I really don’t like making resolutions (no pressure).

Best Movies of 2007
(okay really not, I didn’t see that many movies in 2007, but this IS a list of movies I would recommend to anyone)

1. The Namesake - a beautiful film that really demonstrates how the specific can give us the universal.
2. Death at a Funeral - a very funny film that covers the gambit from the lowest brow slap stick to some very off-beat black humor, and it had me laughing continuously.
3. Once - a beautiful sensitive but very sad film, full of music and loneliness.
4. Waitress - funny, off-beat, and romantic, with stylish filming.  One of my favorites!
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - not a great film, but still really fun.
6. Becoming Jane - this is NOT a bio-pic, it bears little relationship to Jane Austen’s life, but it is still a fun romantic movie that I’ll recommend so long as everyone promises to never confuse it with anything that might have really happened.

I could mention some sweet charming light-weight films like Stardust, Ratatouille, and Hairspray, but they really aren’t that impressive (but do read the book Stardust, because that is something special).

New Books I loved in 2007
(I’ve read LOTS of books, but I’m only covering new ones which I loved)
Making Money by Terry Pratchett: he just gets better and better, please God don’t let his Alzheimer’s progress too fast!)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling, I still resent her murder spree, but it would be ridiculous to not mention this important book, the ending of a truly great series.
Stardust by Neil Gaiman: I read a lot of Gaiman lately and he never disappoints, this was a beautiful new edition in honor of the movies release.  He is something special (I got to see him in person at Comic Con  July 2007)
Runaways by Brian K. Vaughan - I’ve been reading (and loving) a lot of Vaughan this year too, and I love all his stuff.  Like Neil Gaiman, he  creates a lot of very different worlds, all of which are unique and worth visiting.
Thursday Next: First Among Sequels by Jasper Fford - I haven’t loved all his books, but this one was a worthy sequel to his best: The Eyre Affair.

Of course I read many more  book than that, and I really loved almost all of them, but there is little point in reviewing  ancient old books that everyone has read long ago....  Oh and I just ordered two books which were released in December 2007:
Touchstone by Laurie R. King
T is for Trespass by Sue Grafton
and I really expect to love them both (great writers rarely disappoint me, except for JKR becoming a mass murderer, I hadn't expected THAT).

books, movies, resolutions

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