delayed gratification

Jun 26, 2007 10:55

I'm looking forward to this July,
more than most Julys because there will be some major fun stuff this year:

July 11th the 5th Harry Potter movie The Order of the Phoenix will be released, I hope it is better than Goblet of Fire was...

July 21st the final Harry Potter book will be released, and although I'm avoiding spoilers like nobody's business I did read a great article by Keith Olbermann which
ancientgirl recommended:
(contains no actual spoilers, although he has read the books and thought about them...)

July 25 - 30th I'll be in San Diego for Comic Con!  I'm VERY excited about this.  I've never been before, and it is very expensive (the hotel is very expensive, the convention itself is really reasonable). 
Joss Whedon will be there as a guest of Dark Horse and on the night of July 27th he is going to take five fans out to dinner, but they will be very wealthy fans who win the eBay auction.  I cannot compete, but I know I'll be having big fun regardless...

Oh yeah, and I should mention that the final Drive episodes will be aired on July 4th... I'll be watching (because I'm a total loser I hate crowds)
I hope everyone looking forward to July too!

book, joss, drive, cons, movie

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