What is this I don't even. I got this idea the other day and it would not leave me until I had written it. Just for the record, there is no setup in my mind of how this meeting comes about, just that it does.
Crossover between "Stargate: Atlantis" and BBC's "Sherlock" wherein Rodney McKay reacts upon meeting Sherlock for the first time. 100 words. Rated PG. Hints of McKay/Sheppard.
First Impressions
“I’m sorry, I just can’t comprehend how somebody with that apparent level of intelligence can know so little about things that matter.”
“And I say apparent, because it’s the solar system.”
“Did you see how arrogant he was? He thinks he’s smarter than everyone else-”
“Sounds familiar.”
“-just because he could sum up my relationship with Jeannie from a handshake and knew about my citrus allergy without anyone telling him.”
“He knew my favorite gum was spearmint.”
“Oh, please, like that’s a difficult deduction to make. Newsflash: spearmint smells minty.”
“I love you too, Rodney.”