Nov 08, 2010 23:15
Haven't made an LJ entry on the NaNoWriMo front in a little while, but that's just because I don't want to have an entry solely about my word count. That's what my widget is for...which for some reason does not want to update just kidding, it seems to be working now. At the moment, I've got 12,844 words. I fell slightly behind because on Saturday, I had a bridesmaid dress fitting in Williamsburg, and was unable to write all day. I did get a tartan scarf though. :)
I have lately gotten into The Walking Dead on AMC, which is an AWESOME show and is not to be missed. First and foremost, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. Also, Bear McCreary of BSG fame does the music for the show, and it is wonderfully creepy. So, yes, those who aren't watching should do so.