Likes and Dislikes, the Harry/Draco version.

May 14, 2020 13:11

So, I’ve seen a lot of people that have these. I thought it time to do one of my own. If I ever sign up for an exchange fest, this might prove helpful.

I noticed that most of the others are laid out in a really organized fashion. Sadly, my brain doesn’t work that way. Mine will be laid out a bit more haphazardly.

For now this will apply mostly to my OTP, Harry/Draco. When time allows, I’ll add other pairings.

Preferred time period: post-Hogwarts

I quite like slightly older H and D, who have had a chance to grow and change, or who do it in the fic. I particularly love the years while they are still dealing with the fallout from the war.

Stories where they are older, with thebut stories when they are older (have kids, etc.) are seriously awesome too. Mid-20’s to their 40's.

General likes:

Whatever type of scene or situation you want to present any of the following in is fine with me. Auror Fic, clubbing fic, contact with Muggle fics, Healer fics, Creature fics, etc any and all or good.

Smut and other physical things that I get totally off on:

First off, let’s get the whole top/bottom thing out of the way. I truly Do Not Care I actually prefer Switching. Just please make the top/bottom position fit the scene or the characters as you’ve imagined them in your particular story. Please!

Kisses that make your toes curl.

Hot, can’t keep their hands off each other physical attraction.

Before feelings: Sex. After feelings: Sex. Just because they’re young and horny and male: Sex. All of it GREAT!

Lack of experience in either, or both of them make me giddy with happiness.

I’m sort of more partial to slutty Harry than to slutty Draco, but only because Harry is clearly searching for the one. Draco knows who’s the one, but has trouble admitting it.

I’m okay if they invite others to join the fun, as long as they and the other knows who the heart belongs to.

Regarding the more specifics smut related things, I’m good with just about anything. If they can do it, and it makes them happy, I’m down with it. From: Blow jobs to fingering, hand jobs and frotting. Rimming and penetrative anal sex. Partial clothed, can’t keep hands off the other, wall-sex, desk sex, light bondage, and/or sensual deprivation, (blindfolds).

The more general ratings part of the fics.

Missing scenes or canon scenes, seen from a different viewpoint are always good.

I also love either of them taking a different fork in the road than presented in canon.

I love nonlinear type stories, and stories I can completely lose myself in.

Infidelity, amnesia, mpreg, adoption, raising children, coming out fic; interactions with the muggle world.

Unusual careers that suit their canon personalities, situations which force them to work together against their better wishes, and heaps of UST. Missed and misunderstood communication.

Thoughts on character issues:

Post-war psychologically-damaged Harry. Characters with emotional issues they need to resolve by the end of the fic-but it’s okay if not all of them are resolved.

Draco changed by the war and struggling to determine who he really is. Post-war with PTSD, both are broken men, struggling to find their way. Post-war settings and complications left from the war that may differ slightly from canon.

Emotional aspects of the relationship:

Draco having unrequited love for Harry: jealous Draco, pining Draco.

Scenes where Harry is clueless about his attraction to Draco, mistaking it for disdain, only to become irrationally possessive and touchy feely when he suspects Draco of caring for someone else. Harry Chest Monster is a particular canon favourite of mine.

Vulnerability and self-doubt coupled with intense passion for both of them. I love, love, love a vulnerable Draco.

The more specifics of the relationship:

I really like stuff about why they care about each other. I really like stories where their relationship changes slowly - from mistrust to friendship to UST and finally to hot sex them getting together.

The long slow burn of UST as the relationship develops. Prefer a meandering journey to a headlong rush to the end.

Their struggle to resist, then the realisation that they no longer want to resist.
Pining!!! Love for another just kind of creeps up on the other.

Unrequited love!! And I’ve no objections if it remains unrequited. They both need to have true feelings for the other, just not those feelings.

Stories that explore how their relationships with others, as well as their own, evolve over time.

I don't mind if you break my heart along the way. But if you want it to be a happy ending, I’m okay with that as well.

Day to day interactions. Early disagreements that over time become understanding and even reluctant acceptance of the other’s point of view. The awkward bits of falling in love.

Snark. They can have all the feelings for one another, but they should still snark with loving ferocity.

I also adore already established relationships.

I love the day to day grind of making a relationship work.

The daily slice of life from early morning sex to grumbling about whose turn it was to buy the coffee. Draco, or Harry bitching about wet towels left on the floor.

Coming home and talking about their day and curling up on the couch to watch the telly or listen to the Wizarding Wireless.

Any and all of the getting together bits that you can make work in the already established relationships. Frankly anything they might have dealt with in the getting together, I fully see being carried over.

All of these things and more simply make my day.

likes and dislikes, my otp

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