April's doings

May 02, 2020 15:08

I thought I'd take a stab at posting my doings for the month, sort of like [Unknown site tag] does.

First, like many of you I am working from home. I guess I've been home about 2.5 weeks. It took a while to get us all here, but I'm loving it. No real interest in going back to office. Though I do , somewhat, miss the chatter and camaraderie. I am wondering when companies will start making the employees come back to the office.

So, this month I read two novels: Archangel
It's marketed as sci fi, but other than maybe one sentence about "humans on other planets" there is nothing to indicate in any way that it would considered Sci fi. An interesting read. The second novel was All the Light We Cannot See A stunningly beautiful book that I found well worthy of its Pulitzer Prize win. Some novels allow you to rush through them trying to get to the end. Not this one, this one demanded you slow down, take your time, savour the choice of words and the way he put them together. It is not always a happy book, by a long shot, but's its an incredible beautiful one.

I read three major fan fics, all of them quite long, and all of them are rereads. There's something about our current lives that makes me want to be surrounded by things that comfort me.

Finally posted the last chapter of the Of love and Basketball a Harry/Hugo fic I started posting in Nov of 2019. It was fun to write, but I'm glad its finished. I've got another I've been working on for several years, that may or may not qualify for hp-nextgen-fest if there even is another fest in the planning. The thing about me and fests is that unlike most others, when I have a deadline is when I find i'm incapable of writing or completing anything. sometimes its better to just do what I can and if it happens to be complete in time, great... if not, that's fine too.

Are most of you guys still working, but maybe working from home--like me? if you're not working how's everything going for you. My daughter works in retail and she's been furloughed for about 6 weeks now, luckily the stimulus is helping her through it.

I hope to try and do one of these every month, but who knows how long that will last. I'm not good with keeping my goals. I would post what my plans for the month of May are, except I know I will most likely keep none of them. Better I post of what I did accomplish, not what I plan on doing.

Stay safe everyone,
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