Day 3, Wednesday: Favourite quotes and why you love them.

Jul 04, 2013 00:54

Day 3
words strung together

I am not going to stop at one or two, I am afraid there are so many quotes I am completely in love with. They're my favorites, but how can you really know something is your favorite until you've had the chance to get to know everything out there. (even if, you couldn't quite possibly fathom all the words)

So here is my non-simplied, completely glorified list of favorite quotes.


all this time
the sun never says to the earth,

“you owe me.”

what happens
with a love like that,
it lights the whole sky.

- hafiz

The reason I started off with this is simply because I will always understand love this way, or not at all. How I believe it, love is selfless, uncomplicated, and divine. Cliched love is always sought to be a human quality, but I don't quite see it that way. Love is God, and only a few humans get to know it and give it the way it should be. So, there.


you will fall in love with someone who annoys you, despite this, there’s something keeping you drawn to them, something that makes you want to protect them from the harsh world. what you fail to realize, however, is that you are the harsh world. you aren’t their noble protector - you are someone to be protected from but it takes a lot of dates, a lot of nights where you question whether or not you are actually a good person, for this to ever resonate with you. when it’s over and whatever love is left is put back in the fridge like a sad plate of leftovers, you will finally understand that you have the power to hurt someone. you can either hurt them or love them and it’s up to you to decide what kind of role you would like to take on in future relationships. what feels more comfortable - being the one who loves more or being the one who’s loved less?- the types of people you will fall in love with in your 20s by ryan o’connell

There comes a time when you realize you're not that great of a person you thought yourself to be. Those times when you feel yourself lacking remorse for causing someone pain, rather actually enjoying it. You feel great when that person needs you, and maybe you're fixing them because you love them, but really, you're just doing it for your own reasons. You love to be needed. You loved yourself more than that person, and that gave you the permission to see yourself better, greater.  But that's when you know you're human, selfish and sinful- and it's when you know what kind of person you want or don't want to be.


feelings are like a cut lip. you know? when you start biting your own lip until it bursts open and bleeds. feelings are like that; well, at least mine are. people always come up to me like “wow, you’re always cutting your lip, aren’t you?”, but it’s not a new wound. the cut you see today is the same cut you see everyday. it’s always in the same place, same depth, even the same amount of blood. the thing is that my cut lip never heals. not completely. it bleeds and hurts, so i keep quiet, i don’t eat much, i don’t smile. until one day i feel so good and i forget about the cut, so i dare smile, wide open. and that’s when the cut bursts once again, and it hurts again, and it bleeds again. feelings are like a cut lip. and it’s awful.

- virginia brett

I just completely adore the vividness of colors and words in this quote, it awes me.


Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not.
Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness.
Armour yourself with it and it will never be used to hurt you.
- George R. R. Martin


Wear your tragedies as armour, not shackles.
- anonymous.

These are pretty self explanatory. Of course, I could not disclude GRRM out of this entry.


"Remember this, when you are queen," he whispered hoarsely.
"I moved the earth and the water for you." - Deathless

Deathless is one of my favorite books, it's a re-telling of russian folklore and there isn't one word I do not love in it.
This quote was told to Marya by one of her companions, and why I chose it over the many wonderfully put together words
in the entire work is not because I think it's a wonderful sacrifice of love; because love shouldn't wait for anything in return,
but because these words bestowed how all creatures worry death will make them forgettable, but they also
worry what those whom they left would do without them as if they thought the world cared who they are.


and the rest is dust and stardust..

july 2013, writing challenge

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