Rough night last night, let me tell you. The "cantaloupe of doom" as
alexandrite_20 coined it, continued (and continues) to plague me. In addition, during one of my many up and downs all night, my right midback and side started hurting like hell. The heating pad barely contained it, and I was in misery. I suppose either I twisted funny or the toddler tornado kicked the crap out of me during sleep. Either way, ouch!
We had an ice storm last night, everything is slick as hell out there. This morning alone, the police said they worked over 72 car accidents. People are crazy stupid drivers when it's slick. Thankfully, we didn't have anywhere we were supposed to be this morning and now it seems to be melting some.
So I'm bored to death, have the baby temporary distracted by Teletubbies on tv, but I know this me time is moments rather than minutes. Still I say, god bless on demand tv.