Well, Damn.

Apr 15, 2010 09:00

So, there was a sort of major project due in German last week that I made the mistake of partnering with friends to do. As a result, nothing got done till the day before it was due, and I wound up doing most of the work - i.e., assembling the PowerPoint. But, we were iffy on the actual word count for it, so we asked some other girls in our class what it was. "Oh, round 200," they said, to which we mutually responded "Cool beans".

Turns out it was 450.

Realized this last night.

Well. Fuck.

I might be whining more than anything, but with a slew of Bs on all my compositions and exams this semester, I'd been hoping for the chance to pick up my grade and do well on this project. The whole Cambridge-Oxford goal sort of mandates it, and I don't want one of my major classes to have a 3.0 stinking up the place. And it's not like he never told us what the word count was - he told us in an email sent two months ago we'd promptly forgotten about, and no place else.

What gets me, though, is the complete lack of apathy on my partners' parts. "Oh I knew our project was a 6/10 before we turned it in," responded one, "but freestylin' this semester. No worries."

What the fuck is this? I call shenanigans. How do you be perfectly chill with getting a 60 on a major project?

On top of this, I have an exam in German TODAY. Not feelin' too confidant if only because my hope shriveled up in a corner around 2 AM. And ON TOP OF THAT, the Espresso Bandit strikes again, taking my energy drink, and I'm really, really not in the mood to pay stupid amounts of money to feed someone else's caffeine addiction when mine begs like a junkie.

Mein Gott. Ich will Klasuren abschliessen. Und dann, fur SIEBEN WOCHEN IM SOMMER, lerne ich Deutsch. GOTT-fucking-VERDAMMT.

work real life work, lyceum

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