Warning: Contains Ideas

Nov 30, 2010 21:25

So in case I've not made it clear enough, my OTP of OTPs is Katie and Tony. Sadly there's not really a place on LJ for them or stuff relating to them. A couple of people have mentioned setting up a community for them, but my opinion is probably that there isn't enough stuff to keep it going on the long term.

HOWEVER...I'm thinking about a cross gen comm? It would be for any pairing or friendship that spans gen1, gen2 and in the future could include gen 3 and Skins US. So the comm could include Katie/Tony, Emily/Cassie, Maxxie/Freddie, Tea/Naomi, or maybe everyone in gen 1 meets gen 2. Anything really, as long as there was some Skins cross gen element to it. Give me your thoughts!

Poll Skins Cross Gen


I've still not finished reading everything from skins_bigbang but I've read some fantastic fics so far, and have a couple of recs to share. If you've not already then I highly recommend reading the following (in no particular order):

Set the Dark on Fire by shan_3414 which I still can't get my head around, it's that good. It's got everyone that I love being awesome and running from/killing zombies and features perfect Katie. I've actually put a playlist together for this cause it just wouldn't leave me alone and it needs a bit of polishing, but I'll post it once I've done that.

The In-between Places by camiii802 is raw, heartbreaking and features all of the reasons why I love Cook. I had the pleasure of reading this pre-posting and I really feel like it deserves a lot of time taken over it, some of the little quotes dotted here and there just hit me, make me feel so much for these kids who are trying to deal with something way above what they should ever have to.

I am Living Underwater by bluesunsets is probably the best gen 1 fic I've ever read. Now, granted, I've not really read much/any gen 1 stuff, but that shouldn't take away from how good this fic is. Chris is beautifully captured, and even though there's lots of jumps in the story I think it's handled really well and his character grows throughout.

They'll Only Miss You When You Leave by pretendpassion. The Sophia we should have been shown. 'Nuff said really.

Now that BB's over, I feel like I can start to get my head around some things that I've had sitting for ages. One of which being The Bends which is killing me, and I just need to get my arse in gear and finish it already. I've also got a Skins/Glee crossover in the works for shan_3414 , and a Cook/Emily/Naomi threesome (in Cook's dreams) to start for flister and Shan had made mention of a post S4 Christmas ensemble fic which I'm sorely tempted by as well.


P.S. Misfits, all is forgiven. Simon can sniff my knickers any time he wants after last week's ep /TMI

opinions, cross gen, misfits, rec, big bang!

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