
Jul 06, 2009 20:44

So...groovy 4th of July spent at Cape Lookout w/family. Lots of sun, fun, & sand. I'm a little miffed that my SPF 50 didn't adequately protect my freckled paleness; I've got a hell of a sunburn on my upper chest, shoulders, and, um, feet. Because believe it or not, your feet CAN get sunburned even if you're wearing swim shoes. Those itty bitty holes are enough to let the rays in. Who knew? Also, wearing a bra whilst one's shoulders are sunburned is right up there with having bamboo spikes shoved under one's fingernails. Just sayin'...


Had an absolutely wonderful surprise waiting for me in my mailbox---a book from a friend. You know who you are. Thank you, dear heart.


I've got the urge to go to Dragon*Con again. Checked the site, and holy crow, Leonard Nimoy AND Patrick Stewart will be there for the Trek Traks, not to mention Charlaine Harris, James Marsters, Felicia Day... Wow. But woe, woe, all of the hotels are booked solid. Don't fancy sleeping on the street. Next year, I'll try to get the urge earlier. *sigh*


Didn't make it to see Star Trek again as I'd planned. Too much going on this past weekend, what with the day at the cape, wild cleaning frenzy on Friday, and cookout/picnic at church on Sunday. 's okay. Surely I can make it until the DVD comes out. Right?


Someone please call the ASPCA for my kitty. She's most unhappy with the level of service around here. Her bowl was completely empty this morning. EMPTY, y'all. She had to sit in front of it and glare at me until I figured out what was going on. The horror, the horror...


I haven't been knitting as much lately, mostly because my brain has been attacked by the reading bug. You've suffered this particular malady, right? You have a list of things to do, chores, what have you, but a book keeps calling your name. So you promise yourself you'll read a couple of chapters, tops. Aaaaaand four hours later, you look up and gulp. I've blown through Patricia Briggs' engrossing Mercy Thompson series. I'm trying to make the latest book last a little longer.

I started reading The Road and had to put it down after 3.25 pages because Cormac McCarthy uses SO MANY SENTENCE FRAGMENTS. I don't mind sentence fragments if they're used sparingly. He tosses them in wily nily. Can't read. Too choppy. Damn it.

Book rec: Swordplay, a short story anthology by Denise Little. Hie thee off to your local bookseller and buy a copy.


Dang it all. How can it be 9 pm? *flail* Y'all have a good evening, you hear?

reading, july 4th, dragon*con, swordplay, diva, mercythompson

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