
Jul 01, 2009 18:28

Wow. So didn't count on that after-work nap attack. I had plans---get the car inspected, make tabbouleh salad, pay bills. Guess the car will have to wait until tomorrow. The tabbouleh is in process; the bulgur wheat is sitting in its bath of hot water, fresh lemon juice, and olive oil. Gotta go cut up some 'maters & cukes & scallions soon. And I *will* get to those bills tonight.

So glad this is a short week at work. Everyone seems to be suffering from oh-my-GAWD-get-me-outta-hereitis. One of my off-site bosses will be in town tomorrow, which means he will probably drive me straight up the wall. He hasn't worked with me before, so he doesn't know (or maybe doesn't care) that (a) I've got a strong work ethic, and (b) I know what the hell I'm doing. This means he micromanages every time he tells me to do something. Even though I have never dropped the ball on anything he's asked me to do---including finding expensive engine parts that were lost before I ever started working on the program---he calls constantly to check on whether I've done what he told me to do. At some point, I will probably crack and say something along the lines of "Back off or I'll smack you with my shoe." Except I'll make it sound better. I hope.

Netflix delivered the new Indiana Jones movie and a bellydance/tribal fusion DVD today. Yay!

I was surprised to find out that Star Trek 09 is coming back to the theater on base this weekend. Dude! I will be there for at least one more viewing! *muffled fangirl squeeing* I think hubby wants to go see Terminator Salvation despite the bad reviews.

I've got to wake up! *yawns* *tries to open both eyes at the same time*

napping, st09, indiana_jones; bellydance

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