Random Babbling

Dec 16, 2007 09:42

Howdy, y'all.

So it's 70 degrees outside, and it's so windy that it sounds like a hurricane is coming ashore. Yikes. It's been raining most of the night too, so the leaves in my back yard are a sodden carpet of red and gold and bronze, and the driveway is tattooed with tiny, star-shaped leaves from some unknown, now-nude bush or tree. It feels like July, not December. And I'm not complaining. ;)

Rambling ahead!

Last week, I kept having multiple vivid, complicated dreams. A couple of them were about my friend Rho and her impending delivery of her daughter. I e-mailed her mid-week and told her that I kept having really vivid dreams, some of them about her, and she told me that I was apparently having the pregnancy hormone-driven dreams she *wasn't* having. *g* Thursday night, I didn't have any crazy dreams, but I woke up Friday certain that she had gone into labor, even though her due date was two weeks away. I e-mailed her and told her to drop me a line so she could tell me I was a nutcase for having this gut-deep certainty. Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit, because Rho did indeed go into labor early Friday morning. After sixteen hours of hard labor, the doc did an emergency C-section because the baby was in distress. Rowan Anya entered the world on December 14. I'm about to bust wide open from excitement and joy! :D Rho tried to send pix via cell phone, but my wee phone isn't capable of images, so I'm waiting IMPATIENTLY for e-mail pix of my god-daughter. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Expect much rambling from me in the future about Miss Rowan. :-D

The past couple of weeks have been utterly wacky. I've had a lot of stuff going on at work---projects, training the new gal, meetings, deadlines. I've been seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis, and the treatments have helped with the tension headaches I've been having. Two coworkers and I entered a baking contest at work as a team and nearly suffered a collective nervous breakdown in the process. *g* In between all the madness, we had parties to attend. Thursday night's party was at our pastor's house, and it was basically a great big goofy Godiva-white-chocolate-liqeur-and-peppermint-schnapps fueled silly-fest. I know folks who think regular church goers are staid and boring, but our church is all about the wacky when folks get together. *g* Friday night was our work party. It was fun to watch people react to my raspberry velvet dress (on sale!), black satin high heels (at least 10 years old but still holding up), and glitter-sprinkled punk hairdo (courtesy of my hairdresser, who was determined to send me off with "party hair"). I wear trousers, blouses or polo shirts, and flats to work every day, so the dress and hair and glitter were something new to my coworkers. I danced a heck of a lot, limited myself to one Baileys on ice, and learned a couple of new line dances. Even though I couldn't figure out all the footwork in the "Soulja Boy" dance, I still outlasted all the 20-something baby engineers we just hired. Heh! Score one for the middle-aged lady! :D

I had one rather odd dream last night about Nathan Fillion. I can't remember what was going on exactly, but apparently, he had heartburn, and he asked if I had any antacids. I woke up as we were debating the merits of Tums vs Maalox Multi-Symptom. Bzuh? I'm pretty sure the dream is a result of my frustration at not having time to watch my new copy of Waitress or catch up on my backlog of "Desperate Housewives" eps. I just don't have enough hours in the day, dang it.

Hope everyone is doing well! *hugs all around*

parties, rowan, dreams, nathan

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