(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 22:52

Hmm... so feather_brain70 tagged me with this, although I hold out no hope that anyone I attempt to tag will do this. There is entirely too much commentary in this post, partly to explain why I consider any of these guilty, and partly because I oh my god can't shut up.

Ground Rules:
The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. Staying up late and sleeping late. Not that it's much of a secret, but it is guilty. I know I shouldn't be doing it, but...

2. Cat photos. I don't want to like photos of cats I don't even know. There's nothing intrinsically interesting in them, and it feels schmaltzy and oversentimental, but nevertheless, slap up a photo of your cat and, at least internally, I won't be able to stop the "aww..." Also, I wonder over my own cat's cuteness. It's been, what, two and a half years now? I still look at her and think, Oh my god, how is she that cute? How did I happen upon the cat with the classically perfect proportions to her head? I mean, look at her! Look. LOOK AT HER.

3. Eminem. No, but seriously. I think he's a jerkface and loves the attention far too much, but... he's really good. This results in my not buying any of his stuff but totally rocking out when that iPod commercial comes on.

4. Crushes. (This used to be Barney Miller, but, you know, I'm not ashamed of Barney.) I used to use crushes to motivate me to go to classes. I used one to get myself to go to work for a couple of years (although if it hadn't been for the crush, I probably wouldn't have volunteered to work insane hours). Life is more fun when I have a couple.

5. Staying in hotels. I LOVE IT. I stayed in hotels for two months once, and it just didn't get old. I know people hate it. I know it's something little kids love the adventure of and adults find inconvenient and stressful. But me? I love it. I would do it for no real reason if I had extra money.

Tagging... let's see. vwbug, dxmachina... (pause while I discard the names of people with brand new babies who are unlikely to see their ljs anytime soon)... ocvictor, mrfph, and mazianni.
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