Late progress update, tl;dr edition

Dec 06, 2011 21:42

I know absolutely no one cares about my writing process but I’m going to share today, anyway.  Feel free to skip this post and find something more interesting to do.

So.  I am a plotter.  A planner.  I’m not the type to just jump in and do something without a plan, without considering all the permutations and worst case scenarios. Same goes for my writing.  By the time I get to the actual writing, I have brainstormed and outlined and plotted and planned.  And the plot outline has been revised and expanded multiple times.

Without getting bogged down in too many boring details too late, I know my goes something like this: 1) Brainstorm new idea for weeks in my journal while working on other projects. 2) Gather up brainstorming notes in place/file and organize them into categories (scene ideas, character notes, background, world building etc.) 3) Do a deeper character study for each main character.  4) Organize scene ideas into a rough outline. 5) Fill in outline with missing scenes. 6) expand on each scene idea so that it that it has a goal or purpose.  Also a beginning, middle and end.  7) Optional, sometimes if I’m stuck or block, I will hand write out the scene before typing it up into the official first draft.

So why I am I boring everyone to death with the details of my creative process?   Because I am freaking out a little.  I did not do any of this with my yuletide fic.  Well, I spent a couple of days brainstorming and had a very rough idea of a structure in mind.  But when I sat down to do step 2 and organize my notes, I found myself hand writing the first scene.

Three days later, I had a lot of handwritten pages and a complete story.  It took me another three days to type it up.  But the first draft of my Yuletide fic is down.  Longer than my original 1-3k plan. I’m not going to post word count, because I don’t want to give anything away until after the reveal, but it’s more than I expected.

On a completely different note, I have finally started my Harry Potter fic for bigbangbuffet​.  719 words but it’s a start.

writing life, big bang buffet, harry potter, yuletide

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