I bring you this unscheduled update to squee!! I have finished the first draft of my
smallfandombang Sweet Home Alabama fic!! It clocked in (pre-revisions and beta) at 24,233 words. (Just shy of my 25k projected word count.)
Now I'll put it away for a little while to start on my HP fic and work on my Yuletide assignment.
And, speaking of my Yuletide assignment, I am so excited!! My recipient seems to be on the same wavelength in what he/she wants in this fandom. After reading their Yuletide letter I have not one, but three different ideas. One I am definitely going to write. And am not admitting I already have enough notes to fill a 5k fic, I think.
The second idea is a little outside what he/she requested, but I think still fits the spirit, so I might write that as a treat.
The third idea is an AU/crossover. Unfortunately it is a crossover with a fandom that my recipient doesn't seem to be a fan of. I may reserve that idea and add it to the growing list of crossover bunnies I can choose from if I break down and signup for that big bang.
Now for the pretty visual:
24,233 of 24,233**
Also, I probably won't update on Sunday, because I am most likely going to be doing nothing but note taking, plotting and reacquainting myself with my Yuletide assignment fandom.
**actual complete word count!!