Leave a comment saying something complimentary about your mom.
- I'll respond by asking you five questions.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
Like the others I'm changing the word to use to request the questions because everyone should compliment their mom at least once a day. Because moms are great.
Here are the questions that
ashwoman asked me.
1. What do you think is your best quality?
Empathy and forgiveness. I believe every person in this world has innate good in them, and deserves several chances to prove it. I've decided (recently) not to give people more than three chances to show that goodness, but that still doesn't mean it isn't there.
I feel the pain others feel. Its kind of hard to explain, and probably sounds silly...it is like a physical aching in my chest and stomach, when I sense pain. And I can usually tell by talking with someone who they are inside. My grandmother (had) and mother (has) this same empathy and sense of others, I think more strongly than me. Its a blessing in that I feel like I can be a good companion to someone in a time of pain and crisis, but its kind of a curse because there isn't an 'off' switch.
2. What do you think is the most valuable quality to have in a friend and why?
Loyalty. Because it means you have a true friend for life. And those are hard to come by.
3. What do you love about performing?
The rush, the act of singing and moving onstage, and meeting people. I guess what I love the most, though, is getting out all of the built-up emotions.
4. What do you hate about performing?
Hrm...The butterflies beforehand.
5. Again, haikus. Compose one or more describing yourself and/or anyone else.
New starts
Are a necessity in life
A happy necessity