Jun 26, 2013 20:08
So, I've finished my run of anime conventions for the summer (next officially planned con is Katsucon in February). And seeing as how I have a ton of free time now (since I'm not going to Pennsic this year) I decided I was going to tackle a new Elizabethan gown, from the skin out.
"But Kassie, you already have a smock (2 in fact) and pair of bodies! Why would you start all over?!"
Because I'm not happy with them. The Simplicity pattern that's out there is a pretty decent start, but the end result has never fit me right. I had to pin-tuck both smocks that I made just to keep them from falling off my shoulders (I have extreme fitting issues). And as to the pair of bodies... let just say that when Jess helped with my fitting, something weird happened along the back seam and while it "works" its not very comfortable.
So I ordered Margo Anderson's "Elizabethan Lady's Underpinnings" pattern, and just reading through the notes and instructions, I'm already really excited about the project. There are things I've never done before involved in this pattern, and its going to present just enough of a challenge to be exciting. And I plan to embroider my smock, and I'm lucky to have a good friend who is really good at embroidery to answer all of my questions (thank you so much, Ren!)
Once I have all the underthings done, I'm going to make a loose gown, with the kirtle being done in gold, and the surcoat being done in teal. Historically inaccurate? Probably? Do I care? Nope, because I love the colour combo! XD
The end goal is to have this done by Summer's End.
elizabethan underpinnings,
loose gown,