Irina Lipatova

Sep 23, 2018 00:10

«…Я буду постепенно растворяться и в итоге превращусь в тотальную любовь в эфире.»

“…I will gradually dissolve into space and will eventually turn into a total ethereal love.”

This is what she said when I saw her for the last time. (If I only knew…)

Спасибо Вам, родная наша, за всё. Никогда не пойму, не поверю до конца…

My dear Teacher, Irina Lipatova, passed away. She taught me not only countless piano skills, which I use every single day without thinking twice, however also grounded some major principles of life into my [at the time] young and childish head. I will always be grateful and will never forget. Thank You for dedicating your entire life to all of us, hundreds of students. May your soul now Rest In Peace, Ирина Алексеевна.

A Concert in her Memory will take place on October 28, 2018 @ 19:00.
Kyiv, come and send us some love.

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